Cambridge Colloquium in Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic: ?Kith and Kin.?
Medieval History

Cambridge Colloquium in Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic: ?Kith and Kin.?

We would like to invite you all to this year's Cambridge Colloquium in
Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic: ?Kith and Kin.? It will take place in the
English Faculty in the University of Cambridge on Saturday the 27th of
February, with registration beginning at 9:30am. The colloquium will
conclude at 5:30pm, but for those of you who would care to join us there
will be a 3 course dinner held in the University Centre?s Riverside
Restaurant beginning at 7:00pm. You may find a registration form attached
and online at at which address
you can also find a link to a website that deals with local accommodation
should you require it.

The registration fee is £5 which includes lunch, and the dinner costs £24
with soft drinks or £30 with wine. If you wish to attend the dinner you
must register in advance. Advanced registration closes on the 17th of
February, and as there are only limited spaces available for dinner, a
prompt response is encouraged to secure your place.

You may find details of the programme and the dinner menu below and online.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
[email protected]


The CCASNC 2010 Committee



9:30-10:00 ? Registration

10:00-11:00 ? Keynote speaker: Dr. Carolyne Larrington, Supernumerary
Fellow, St. John?s College, Oxford: Family Drama in the Heroic Poetry of the

11:00-11:30 ? Tea Break

11:30-1:00 ? Session 1

1) Stephanie Fishwick, Linacre College, Oxford: Unnatural Affections: The
Unusual Addition to the Family in the*Íslendingasögur*

2) Ronni Phillips, St. John?s College, Cambridge: Exile, Family and the
Medieval Irish Exilic Vocabulary

3) Joanne Shortt Butler, B.A., University of Cambridge: ?Megi faðir sinn
ráða því, en helzt vili hann þó heima sitja?:Snorri Goði,
His Sons, and the
Weight of Expectation

1:00-2:00 ? Lunch

2:00-3:30 ? Session 2

1) Ed Carlsson Browne, M.A., University College London: Roger of Howden and
the Unknown Royalty of Twelfth-Century Norway

2) Erin Goeres, Lincoln College, Oxford: Constructing Kin(g)ship: Eyvindr
Skáldaspillir as Spokesman for the Earls of Hlaðir

3) Eric Denton, Trinity College, Cambridge: Caring for Kith and Kin in
Wulfstan Cantor's Narratio Metrica de Sancto Swithuno

3:30-4:00 ? Tea Break

4:00-5:30 ? Session 3

1) David Baker, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford: The End of the Affair? The *
Topos* of the Marriage of Óðinn and J?rð in Skaldic Verse Before and After
the Conversion

2) Helen F. Leslie, University of Bergen: Continuum of Tradition and the Men
of Hrafnista
3) Julie Mumby, King?s College London: Fathers or Uncles? A Problem in the
Old English Tract Known as Wergeld

7:00 ? Dinner


Honey Roasted Parsnip Soup with Parsnip Crisps


Guinea Fowl with Chestnut Stuffing, Mashed Potato and a Casserole of Winter

(Veg: Potato and Roasted Vegetable Roulade with Bean Cassoulet and Black
Olive Biscuit)


Chocolate and Amaretto Cheesecake with Crème Fraiche


Tea and Coffee

Menu may be subject to change. Please note that there are alternative
options for those with food allergies ? contact the committee at
[email protected] for more information.

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Medieval History
