Cambridge Conference
Medieval History

Cambridge Conference

If you happen to be in the neighborhood:

Please see the attached schedule and registration form for the
Magdalene Society of Medievalists' Inaugural Conference to be held on
5 May 2007 (schedule below).

Please direct enquiries to Daniel J. DiCenso at [email protected], or
James Wade at [email protected].

Early registration deadline: 1 May 2007


Magdalene Society of Medievalists
Inaugural Conference
A one-day interdisciplinary conference on Medieval Studies

Magdalene College, Cambridge
Cripps Court, 5 May 2007

10am to 11am - Session 1: Keynote

Jane Hughes (Magdalene College): 'Thinking Satire: The Pleasure (and
the Pain) of the Text'

11.30am to 1pm - Session 2

Jill Mann (University of Notre Dame and University of Cambridge):
'Trees, Time and Language in Piers Plowman'

Katie Walter (King's College): 'Langland and the Senses'

2pm to 3.30pm - Session 3

David Wallace (University of Pennsylvania): 'Love Between Men:
Griselde Before Chaucer'

Diane Vincent (Girton College): ''I saw þe drunkyn whil þu were
sobere': Late Medieval Schoolbooks and English Cultural Translations'

4pm to 5pm - Session 4

James Rigney (Magdalene College): ''The Curious, the Spurious, the
Downright Furious': Vagrancy and Late Medieval Pilgrimage'

Carl Watkins (Magdalene College): 'Religious Scepticism in the Middle Ages'

5pm to 6pm - Session 5: Keynote

Helen Cooper (Magdalene College): 'Adultery Again'

6pm to 7pm - Wine Reception

-- Magdalene College
United Kingdom
(+44) 07957 310146

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Medieval History
