Dutch Courage
Medieval History

Dutch Courage

Oh my.  Is this how we solve our problems?  Turns out that this was a synopsis exercise from one of the stories at school, and that the last word is supposed to be "gift" - as in to cheer Rick up.  Still, I have this terrible image of this poor Rick, passed out on our couch and the kids bringing him a little pick me up. !!!  There's no medieval connection to pursue here, since gin has its origins in 17th century Holland (who knew?) - it's a fascinating history, but I'm glad that Rick is destined for a gift instead of gin.

 This may be a post without a medieval connection (although there's much to say about class prep for "Love and War" tomorrow: Ovid!, and event more about the piece of medieval narrative that I'm writing: video games!). On Wednesdays we go to have dinner with my dad.  This is both a continually sad affair (brain injury, nursing home), and a happy one (this picture of our motley little crew making its way to the dining room).  It's the kids who make it happy: my dad is regaled by Miss E in her tutu and tap shoes, Miss I playing the piano, and Mister O giving him the latest on the Percy Jackson series.  They love to go see their grandfather, which is so amazing to me, since my dad is mostly so unresponsive emotionally.  But they ask nothing of him - just do their stuff, and tell him their tales. It's true that he never interrupts.  Smile (or cry).

- Happy Birthday, Oliver
These ten days between Eleanor's birthday and Oliver's are always the craziest: turning grades in, saying good-bye to students, graduation, cleaning out the office, oh and there's a wedding anniversary in there somewhere.  This summer,...

- Glimpses
Oliver's been questioning Santa's existence, though at this point he has "no evidence that Santa does not exist," as he puts it.  But, crafty kid that he is, he thought of leaving the iPhone with its built-in camera and asking Santa in the...

- Fabyowlis
That, you see, is how "fabulous" is spelled when you're Miss I writing about your week-end.  And indeed the adventures these chickitas managed to have bespeaks some serious fabyowlosity. How long, do you think, before Miss E joins a punk band? ...

- Wind Of Greed
In what must be a rare moment of self-allegory, Miss E had just declared herself the "Wind of Greed" when I took this picture.  I had thought to take a snapshot of her and her dad, and she totally took over the idea to declare: "I am the Wind of...

- Lamb And Lucidity
Ok, so the kids are eating berries, and the photograph isn't from today, but "Berries and Lucidity" doesn't quite have the ring does it, and this picture would make me happy on any day: nothing like the luxury of eating berries with your back...

Medieval History
