Medieval History



* 10 April - 17 May, 2009: Catalyst Collaborative@MIT and Underground
Railway Theater proudly present: "The Life of Galileo" by Bertolt
Brecht - Central Square Theater, 450 Massachusetts Avenue. Translated
as Galileo,
with an ensemble of actors and puppets. The Life of Galileo is among the
Brecht's most complex and well-known plays. The play focuses on the
latter period of the life of Galileo Galilei, the 17th-century Italian
mathematician, physicist and astronomer that championed and furthered
Copernicanism. Though today Galileo is crowned "the father of modern
observational astronomy," in his lifetime he was persecuted by the
Roman Catholic Church for the promulgation of his scientific
discoveries. The play embraces such themes as the conflict between
dogmatism and scientific evidence, as well as interrogating the values
of constancy in the face of oppression. This production works from
David Hare's new translation that has so far best preserved the
original German version's spirits. For further details about the
On performance nights we also offer Pre-Performance Symposia and
Post-Performance Talk Backs, free with price of admission to the
performance. Discussion leaders include Sara Schechner, Hidde Ploegh,
Ian Hutchinson, Nobel Laureate Frank Wilczek, Alan Guth, Owen
Gingerich, Marcia Bartusiak, Steve Shapin, Nobel Laureate Jerome
Friedman, and David Kaiser. The topics range from the battle between
science and religion to the social responsibilities of scientists to
Brecht's theatrical theories. For information on specific guests, dates
and topics:
Prices - Adults: $32, Seniors (65+): $22, Students: $12 (can reserve in
advance) by using HOI12 for online or telephone reservation, Staff /
Faculty: $25 by using HOI25 for online or telephone reservation. For
Tickets - 866.811.4111 or Group Sales
(10+) are also available ($20 for adults, $12 for students) by calling
617-576-9278 x213.

Monday, 20 April, 4:15 p.m.: (PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE) Rina Avner (Israel
Antiquities Authority; 2008-09 Dumbarton Oaks Fellow) - "The Kathisma
Church on
the Road from Jerusalem to Bethlehem" The Annual Dumbarton Oaks Lecture,
sponsored by the Committee on Medieval Studies. Humanities Center Medieval
Studies Seminar, Harvard University. Harvard University, Barker Center, Room
133, 12 Quincy Street, Cambridge, MA. Humanities Center Medieval Studies

* Thursday, 23 Thursday, 5:30 pm. Virginie Greene (Harvard University),
"L'amitié courtoise et l'amitié vertueuse des philosophes."
A lecture in French at BOSTON COLLEGE, 101 Devlin Hall.

* Thursday, 30 April, 8:00 p.m. BOSTON AREA PATRISTICS GROUP, Braun Room,
Andover Hall, 45 Francis Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. Euthimio Souloyannis (The
Academy of Athens), "The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria and All
Africa." This lecture is sponsored by the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit
Foundation (USA). Patristica Bostoniensia is a colloquium of the BOSTON
THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, an association of nine theological schools in the
Greater Boston area. For more information, please, contact Annewies van den
Hoek, Harvard Divinity School, 45 Francis Avenue, Cambridge, MA
02138, or visit
the website at

* Tuesday, 5 May, 6:00 p.m.: Caroline Bynum (Professor of Western European
Middle Ages, Institute of Advanced Study, School of Historical Studies,
Princeton University) - The 2008-09 Robert and Maurine Rothschild Lecture in
History of Science - "Explaining Transformation: Material Miracles and Their
Theorists in the Later Middle Ages." Harvard University, Science Center,
Lecture Hall D.

Thursday - Sunday, 25-28 June, 2009: Merchants and Missionaries: Trade and
Religion in World History. 18th annual World History Association conference:
Salem State College, Salem, Massachusetts. For further details, see
below under


of Medieval Studies, is looking to publish your papers! Papers of any
length on
any topic within the 600-1500 time period are accepted to undergo a blind,
rolling submissions process. Midterm and final papers from this semester, or
papers from any other semester are equally welcome from undergraduates. If
you've written it and you're proud of it, we want to see it. Selected papers
will be initially published online at, and a
selection will be published in a spring paper edition. However only
papers that
previously have been published online by us will be considered for the paper
journal, so get them in now! All papers and/or questions should be
submitted to
[email protected] .

For a listing of upcoming "convocatorias" and other gatherings of interest to
medievalists (most are located in Spain or Latin America and/or are
Spanish-language proceedings), visit .

* 17 - 18 April, 2009: "Comparative Early Modernities: 1100-1800" - Featuring
conversations among twelve leading scholars of early modern Asia, Europe, and
South America, this interdisciplinary conference will showcase novel
comparative perspectives in the fields of literary, social, art, and economic
history and re-examine the theoretical and methodological premises of
comparative historical studies. Seating at this event will be limited and
pre-registration is strongly recommended. UM Faculty and Students - Send an
email to [email protected] to register. Visitors - Register online at: - For further details about this
event, including information on hotels and transportation, please visit, email [email protected], or call 734-647-4893.
This conference is sponsored by the College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts and the Center for Chinese Studies at the University of Michigan. (Hussey
Room, Michigan League, University of Michigan) - SPEAKERS: Gregory Blue
(University of Victoria), "The Rise and Fall of Enlightenment Sinophilia: Did
Political Economy Lead the Way?", Claudia Brosseder (University of
"Magic in Comparative Perspective: Early Modern Europe and Colonial Latin
America", Katherine Carlitz (University of Pittsburgh), "Pornography,
and 'Early Modernity' in China, England, and France", Luke Clossey (Simon
Fraser University), "Did Aurangzeb Write Tom Jones? Eurocentrism and Writing
the Early Modern World", Walter Cohen (Cornell University), "Out of India:
Global Early Modernity", Jack Goldstone (George Mason University), "Cultural
Trajectories: The Power of the Traditional within the Early Modern",
Su Fang Ng
(University of Oklahoma), "Dutch Wars, Global Trade, and the Heroic Poem:
Dryden's 'Annus Mirabilis' (1666) and Amin's 'Syair Perang Mengkasar' (1670)",
Kenneth Pomeranz (UC Irvine), "Areas, Networks, and the Search for 'Early
Modern' East Asia", Ayesha Ramachandran (SUNY Stony Brook), "A War of Worlds:
Becoming 'Early Modern' and the Challenge of Comparison", Richard Vinograd
(Stanford University), "Accommodating Incompatibilities in Early Visual
Modernity", Ann Waltner (University of Minnesota), "Comparing Family Histories
in the Early Modern Period: The View from China", R. Bin Wong (UC Los
"Did China's Late Empire have an Early Modern Era?"

22-25 April 2009: Saint Anselm of Canterbury and His Legacy: An International
Conference to commemorate the 900th anniversary of the death of Saint
Anselm of
Canterbury (1033-1109). University of Kent, Canterbury, UK. Organised by the
Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Durham University, UK and the
Canterbury Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies. Full details are
available at: For more
information, please contact Dr Giles Gasper, Durham University, at:
[email protected].

24-25 April 2009: In Vino Veritas: A Symposium on Wine and the Influence
of Bacchus from Classical Antiquity through the Eighteenth Century, Binghamton
University, NY. By the time of Pliny the Elder, in vino veritas ("in wine,
truth") had already attained the status of aphorism, having made its earliest
appearance in the writings of the Greek poet Alcaeus. Beyond the
reaches of the
Greco-Roman world, wine has also had a long history. Its fortunes may
be traced
around the globe through the medieval and early modern periods when trade in
wine increasingly linked diverse cultures, the social uses and symbolic
associations of wine proliferated, and Bacchus made his appearance on numerous
stages, in images, and in a wide range of other texts and contexts. The Center
for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (CEMERS) at Binghamton
University presents
a symposium to be held on the Binghamton University campus, April 24-25, 2009.
For additional information please contact the Director's office (607-777-2730
or [email protected]) or visit our website (

* Saturday, 25 April 2009, 5:30 p.m: Climate Change and the Fall of the
Roman Empire: Tracing the Human Impact of Climate Change at the
Crossroads of Science and History. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and
Collection: Public lecture, Michael McCormick (Harvard University). A
report from the Dumbarton Oaks Workshop on Climate Change and the Fall
of Rome, convened by Michael McCormick (Harvard) with Mark Cane
(Columbia), Edward Cook (Columbia), J. Kyle Harper (Oklahoma), Joachim
Henning (Frankfurt), Peter Huybers (Harvard), Thomas Litt (Bonn), Sturt
Manning (Cornell), Paul Mayewski (Maine), Kurt Nicolussi (Innsbruck),
Willy Tegel (Frankfurt). PLEASE RSVP 202-339-6940 or [email protected] .
The Music Room at Dumbarton Oaks, 1703 32nd St NW, Washington DC.

7-10 May 2009: The 44th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western
Michigan University, Kalamazoo. The Congress is an annual gathering of over
3,000 scholars interested in Medieval Studies. It features over 600
sessions of
papers, panel discussions, roundtables, workshops, and performances. There are
also some 90 business meetings and receptions sponsored by learned societies,
associations, and institutions. The exhibit hall boasts nearly 70 exhibitors,
including publishers, used book dealers, and purveyors of medieval sundries.
The Congress lasts three and a half days, extending from Thursday
morning until
Sunday at noon. For information, see .

7-10 May 2009: Transmission and Reception of Saints Lives: English and
Continental Contexts: Special Session, 44th annual International Congress on
Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Dr. Lindsay Craig of the University of
Minnesota has issued a call for papers for this special session. The study of
saints' lives is central to scholarly understanding of medieval piety and
devotional practice. This session inquires how authors, translators, and
audiences understand and react to vitae sanctarum et sanctorum's negotiations
of institutional anxieties about orthodoxy and of social discourses of
holiness. Our interests include retellings of saints' lives, from
brief exempla
to long catalogs of lives like the Legenda Aurea, and their rehabilitation or
deprecation of earlier vitae; the ways in which hagiographic impulses inflect
other genres; reworkings of contemplative texts in later literature; the
intersections and conflations of spiritual and secular literary transmission;
and contested spaces of transmission. We welcome studies spanning broad
chronological and geographical spectra. The session subtitles "English
Contexts" and "Continental Contexts" do not exclude cross-channel studies, but
rather provide us with a way to group papers on a topic with wide-ranging
relevance according to main interest area. Please submit abstracts and cover
materials to Lindsay Craig at [email protected] by September 15th for full

12-13 June 2009: Intermixti spiritus oris: The interface between rhetoric and
poetry in Late Antiquity: Conference at the Koninklijke Academie voor
Nederlandse, Ghent. The period between the reigns of Diocletian and Honorius
was an important watershed both in the political and cultural evolution of the
Roman Empire. In many ways this was a very dynamic period, full of creativity
and vigour. One cultural domain that remained very vital indeed is
the study of
rhetoric, as is evidenced by the amount of theoretical reflection,
and practical
precepts, that has survived from the fourth century and its preceding and
succeeding decades. The aim of this conference is to examine in what ways this
major force within the literary field can help us to enhance our understanding
of the literary and more specifically, the poetical production of this long
century. Quite a bit of poetry was written but, some notable exceptions like
Ausonius, Prudentius, Gregory Nazianzen or Claudian left aside, for the most
part it remains a rarely studied, little understood and enigmatic
body of work.
We feel that the exploration of the poetical production of this
period is often
hampered by a priori conceptions that are seldom questioned, and by the fact
that it is frequently studied exclusively as a part of social or religious
history, using frameworks imported from other disciplines. Such approaches
bring about various methodological difficulties. The aim of the conference is
to investigate whether the interface between rhetoric and literary production
might not prove to be a more promising and fruitful strategy. This approach,
however, calls for reflection upon the function of rhetoric within
the cultural
field and the nature of its relation to literature and poetry. The main
objective of this conference is to explore in depth this particular area. This
conference is organised by the Department of Latin and Greek of Ghent
University, and is hosted by Koninklijke Acadmie voor Nederlanse Taal -en
letterkunde in Ghent. Its purpose is to bring together both invited
and younger researchers in order to approach the central theme of the
from different angles. By using the format of a round-table
conference, we hope
to encourage mutual discussion. For more information, please visit .

13-27 June 2009: Erasmus Summer Seminars for Undergraduates,
University of Notre
Dame. The Erasmus Summer Seminars will continue in 2009. Two seminars
directed to upper-level undergraduates will be offered on the campus of the
University of Notre Dame. Both seminars are of two-weeks' duration
and comprised
of not more than 12 students, led by a member of the Notre Dame
faculty. The seminars are designed for undergraduates who are considering
graduate school and an academic vocation. Catholic Intellectual Traditions is
directed to students who seek to deepen their knowledge of
Catholicism, both as
a faith and a culture. Humanities and Social Sciences is designed to introduce
its participants to major contemporary trends in disciplines in both the
humanities and social sciences. There are no tuition fees. Housing will be
provided, as well as daily lunch and dinner. Transportation costs will be
covered, and each participant will be given a $500 stipend. Applicants should
submit a completed application form, two letters of recommendation, a current
unofficial transcript, and a personal statement of no more than two
double-spaced pages explaining the reasons for applying to the seminar of
choice. All application materials, including letters of
recommendation, must be
received by February 27, 2009. Materials should be sent to: Erasmus Summer
Seminars, University of Notre Dame, 300 L Main Building, Notre Dame, IN 46556.
For further information and application materials,

22-25 June 2009: DIGITAL HUMANITIES 2009 - the annual joint meeting of the
Association for Computers and the Humanities, the Association for Literary and
Linguistic Computing, and the Society for Digital Humanities / Société pour
l'étude des médias interactifs, will be hosted by the Maryland Institute for
Technology in the Humanities (MITH) at the University of Maryland in College
Park, USA. For more information visit

* 22-26 June 2009: The London Palaeography Summer School (University of
London) is a series of intensive day- or half-day classes in Palaeography and
Diplomatic given by experts in their respective fields from a wide range of
institutions. Subject areas include medieval musical notation, Latin
palaeography, German palaeography, Papal diplomatic, tools and materials of
manuscript makers, Books of Hours and more. The Summer School is hosted by the
Centre for Manuscript and Print Studies with the co-operation of the British
Library, the Calligraphy and Lettering Arts Society, the Institute of
Historical Research , Senate House Library, the Warburg Institute, University
College , King's College London and the Victoria and Albert Museum. Further
information and application forms are available at

24-26 June 2009: Space in Medieval France: 6th Annual Symposium of the
International Medieval Society, Paris. Universite de Paris - I (Sorbonne),
France - CALL FOR PAPERS. Deadline for Submissions: 1 February 2009; Keynote
speakers: Dominique Iogna-Prat and Philippe Plagnieux. The International
Medieval Society of Paris (IMS-Paris) is soliciting abstracts for individual
papers and proposals for complete sessions for its 2009 Symposium. The
Symposium aims to generate an interdiscplinary forum on space in medieval
France between c. 500 and c. 1500 that will enrich ongoing debates and our
knowledge of space in the Middle Ages by approaching the subject from
a variety
of perspectives. Papers should address France, Francia or post-Roman Gaul in
some way, but they need not be exclusively limited to this geographic area.
Abstracts in French or English of 300 words or less for a 20-minute paper
should be e-mailed to [email protected] no later than 1 February 2009. In
addition to the abstract, please submit full contact information, a CV and a
tentative assessment of any audiovisual equipment required for your
presentation. The IMS will review submissions and respond via e-mail by 15
February 2009. Titles of accepted papers will be made available on the IMS web
site. Authors of accepted papers will be responsible for their own
travel costs
and conference registration fee (35 euros, reduced for students). The
is an interdisciplinary and bilingual (French/English) organization founded to
serve as a centre for medievalists who research, work, study, or travel to
France. For more information, please see

25-28 June 2009: Merchants and Missionaries: Trade and Religion in World
History: 18th annual World History Association conference: Salem State
College, Salem, Massachusetts. In honor of Salem's rich history of overseas
involvement, the conference's theme will be "Merchants and Missionaries:
Trade and Religion in World History." Proposals on all aspects of trade,
religion, and related issues in world history are invited. Further information
concerning the 2009 conference, including proposal submission forms,
accommodations and registration can be found on the WHA website,

* 25 June - 3 July 2009: Graduate Summer School 2009 in Avignon -
Writing Practices in the South of France (12th to 18th century).
Starting in 2009, the Laboratory of History of the University of
Avignon is organizing a Graduate Summer School devoted each year to
writing practices in Southern France and adjacent lands (Catalonia,
Languedoc, Provence, Liguria and papal lands), from the twelfth to the
eighteenth century. It seeks to shed light on the uses of writing in
the Mediterranean area. The goal of the Graduate Summer School is to
provide high-level technical training in the history of the various
writing practices of chanceries, clerical offices, notarial offices,
scriptoria, writing and decoration workshops, etc.) as well as on the
social dimensions of the written word in the Northern Mediterranean
crescent from Valencia to Bologna and over a long period of time, which
will afford many opportunities to put peculiarities and innovations
into perspective. One area, that of the papal lands, is particularly
interesting: the papal offices seem to have adapted the various written
forms without ever yielding to fashionable trends and could have
influenced the surrounding administrations and judicial courts.
Lectures at the Graduate Summer School will be conducted by guest
specialists in the fields of medieval and modern history. Candidates
should be able to read and communicate in French. (For the 2009
session, all courses are given in French; starting in 2010, courses
will be given in English and in other languages). Application
Procedure: Registration for the Graduate Summer School 2009 session
will begin on March 15, 2009. The deadline for applications is April
15, 2009. For the preparation of application materials please visit (all application materials must
be filled out in French). Ten candidates will be selected to participate
in the 2009 session. Foreign applicants are especially encouraged to
apply. The successful candidates accommodation on campus (and travel
expenses for European Union students) is provided. No tuition is
charged. Eligibility: Candidates must be Ph.D. students or graduate
students in
their final year (or the equivalent for foreign students) in medieval
or modern history. Applications from all countries are welcome. For
further information please visit the site of the Graduate Summer School or send an e-mail to
[email protected].

23-27 July 2009: CALL FOR PAPERS - Medieval Translator 2010: In principio
fuit interpres - The Cardiff Conference on the Theory and Practice of
Translation in the Middle Ages. To be hosted by the Università degli Studi
di Padova (Padua, Italy). Linguistic and literary traditions include
in their myth of origin; thus the linguistic and scholar Gianfranco Folena
proposed to substitute the motto In principio fuit poëta with the humbler In
principio fuit interpres. Following his suggestion, we welcome papers
addressing translation in the Middle Ages, marking the relationship between
classical, Middle Eastern and vernacular languages, and studying
translation as
the representation of ideas and texts in different media. Plenary speakers:
Roger Ellis, Domenico Pezzini, David Wallace. Papers may be given in English,
French, or Italian, and should be twenty minutes long. Please send a 500-word
abstract and brief curriculum vitae by 31 August 2009 to: Alessandra Petrina
and Monica Santini, Dipartimento di Lingue e Lett. Anglo-Germaniche e Slave,
Via Beato Pellegrino 26, 35100 Padova, Italy - Or as an email attachment to
both these e-mail addresses:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Further information about the conference will be available in Spring 2009.
Following previous practice, it is planned to publish a book of
selected papers
in the peer-reviewed Medieval Translator series (Brepols) following the

15 August 2009: CALL FOR PAPERS: Medieval Feasting, Gift-Giving and
- Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge. The University of
Central Medieval Graduate Workshop, in conjunction with the Faculty
of History,
is delighted to send out a call for papers for a one-day conference
on medieval
feasting, gift-giving and hospitality to be held on 15 August 2009. In recent
years medievalists across all disciplines have been paying increasing
to the importance of ritual and non-verbal elements of political communication
in the Middle Ages. This conference will focus on various diverse aspects of
ritual culture, exploring rituals associated with the expression of
hospitality and generosity, feasting and the giving of gifts. The ideal
of the generous lord was fed by various traditions, Christian as well as
old-Germanic, and was found everywhere from the monasteries of England to the
court of the Mongol Khan. The breadth of this conference aims to trace
traditions of generosity over a wide chronological period, from late Antiquity
to the later Middle Ages, reaching throughout medieval Europe and beyond. We
delighted to announce three key-note speakers, Professor Chris Woolgar
(University of Southampton) who will be speaking about gifts of food in late
medieval England; Dr Julie Kerr (University of Sheffield) on
hospitality in the
English monasteries and Stephen Pollington, who will be speaking from
his recent
publication The Mead Hall: The Feasting Tradition in Anglo-Saxon
England. It is
expected that the proceedings of this conference will be published by
a leading
academic publisher. We welcome submissions from both graduate students and
established academics proposing papers dealing with all aspects of the culture
of feasting, hospitality and gift in the medieval period. Inspired by the work
of social-anthropologists, we feel that there is no better way to explore a
culture than by experiencing it oneself. This has normally been a joy denied
the medievalist. At this conference, however, we will aim to recreate
of the extravagances of medieval hospitality, as we shall conclude the
proceedings with an authentic feast cooked by the multiple award-winning
kitchen of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Please send proposals for
papers, composed of your title, academic affiliation and 300 word abstract, to
the conference email address: [email protected] by 15 May
2009. Registration is now open and will cost £5 for speakers and delegates
prior to 15 May 2009, after which it will increase to £10. Please e-mail
[email protected] for more details. Further information
concerning the feast, including cost, will be sent upon registration.

8-11 October 2009: CFP - Medieval History Seminar: German Historical
Institute London & German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C.
The German Historical Institutes in London and Washington are pleased to
announce the sixth Medieval History Seminar, to be held in London. The seminar
is designed to bring together American, British, and German PhD candidates and
recent PhD recipients (2007-2008) in medieval history for a weekend
of scholarly
discussion and collaboration. They will have the opportunity to present
their work to their peers as well as to distinguished scholars from both
sides of the Atlantic. Conveners for the 2009 seminar will be
professor Michael
Borgolte (Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin), Frank Rexroth (Universitat
Gottingen), Patrick J. Geary (University of California, Los Angeles), Barbara
Rosenwein (Loyola University, Chicago), Dame Janet L. Nelson (King's
College London) and Miri Rubin (Queen Mary, University of London).
The Medieval
Seminar welcomes proposals from all areas of medieval history.
Participation is
not limited to historians working on German history or German-speaking
regions of Europe. Nor is a particular epoch or methodological approach
preferred. Applications from neighboring disciplines are welcome if the
have a distinct historical focus. Papers and discussions will be conducted in
both German and English. Successful applicants must be prepared to submit a
paper of approximately 5,000 words by September 1, 2009, and are also expected
to act as commentator for other papers presented in the seminar. The GHI will
cover travel and lodging expenses of participants. Applications should
include: a curriculum vitae (including address and e-mail); a
description of the
proposed paper (4-5 pages, double-spaced); one letter of recommendation. Send
applications to Anita Bellamy, [email protected]. German Historical
Institute, 17 Bloomsbury Square, London, WC1A 2NJ (UK); Telephone: 0044 (0)20
7309 2023; Fax: 0044 (0)20 7309 2073. Deadline for submission is December 31,
2008. For further information, please contact Dr. Carola Dietze, GHI
[email protected], or Dr. Jochen Schenk, GHI London: [email protected].

* 9-11 October, 2009: 29th Annual Celtic Colloquium, Harvard
University. The Harvard Celtic Department cordially invites proposals
for papers on topics which relate directly to Celtic studies (Celtic
languages and literatures in any phase; cultural, historical or social
science topics; theoretical perspectives, etc.). Papers concerning
interdisciplinary research with a Celtic focus are also invited. Attendance
is free. Presentations should be no longer than twenty minutes. There will
be a short discussion period after each paper. Papers given at the Colloquium
may later be submitted for consideration by the editorial committee for
publication in the Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium.
Potential presenters should send a 200-250 word abstract, plus a brief
biographical sketch. We encourage online responses, but submissions may
also be sent by e-mail to [email protected], faxed, or posted to the
departmental address. Further information and online submission form available
at our Website: Closing date for proposals:
May 15, 2009.

* 26-28 October 2009: International Workshop: Late Antique Glass in Anatolia
(A.D. 4th to 8th Cent.). First Circular - Call for Papers. We are glad to
inform you that an international conference on the glass from Anatolia dating
to the Late Antique period (A.D. 4th to 8th cent.) will take place on October
26th-28th, 2009 at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of the Dokuz Eylul
University (DEU) in Izmir, Turkey. We warmly invite contributions by scholars
and graduate students from a variety of disciplines related to this subject.
Both the excavated finds as well as museum pieces are the subject of this
workshop that is offering a firm base for the support of future research in
Turkey concerning ancient glass studies. Therefore glass experts as well as
museum curators from Turkey and neighbouring countries are kindly
welcome. This
two-day workshop with a one-day excursion will contain both lectures
of 20 min.
as well as poster presentations. The aim of this meeting is to report on the
state of research concerning the Late Antique glass from Anatolia between the
4th and 8th centuries A.D., or thereabouts. The geographical areas concerned
are Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, Egypt, Syria, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, the rest of
the Near East and the Black Sea countries. The focus is, however, Asia Minor.
The quantities of Late Roman/Early Byzantine glass which have come to light on
numerous sites, as well as recent research on the various collections from the
geographical area concerned, now permit us to make significant
additions to the
archaeological evidence, thanks to recent progress in glass research
in western
Europe. Concentrating on unpublished finds or collections from
Anatolia and the
Eastern Mediterranean, the colloquium aims to tackle a series of
questions which
can be grouped as four principal interlinked and overlapping themes:
trade-distribution, function and chronology. The glass groups under
consideration are as follows: vessels, lamps, window panes, slags, glass
tesserae and other items. Also historical, philological and epigraphic papers
dealing with glass will be considered in this workshop. All approaches and
methods likely to enhance our knowledge on these themes and questions are of
course very welcome: archaeology, archaeometry, history of art, philology,
cultural anthropology, industrial history etc. Most welcome are papers from
excavations in Asia Minor and the rest of the Eastern Mediterranean producing
glass and other stratified finds (pottery, small finds, coins etc.) that will
help us to build up a more precise chronology. Papers and oral presentations
can be given in English, French, German, Italian, Greek or Turkish,
but English
will be the preferred language for oral presentations. We would be
delighted if
you could consider contributing to this conference. If you wish to
please fill out the form below and send it to one of the organizers.
Please submit an abstract of no more than 300 words together with
the attached
registration form before June 1, 2009 by e-mail (if possible) to:
, or by fax to: +90.232.453 41 88. Entry to the
workshop is free of charge for all; accommodation and travel expenses will be
payed by the participants, who should also arrange their own accommodation as
necessary. The organizing committee will make a shuttle service available for
participants to take them from the city centre to DEU-Campus in Buca and back
every morning and evening. A post-conference excursion on October 28
is planned
to three glass collections in Izmir. The proceedings of the workshop
is planned
to be published in 2011. Along with the workshop an exhibition of current
Turkish and international archaeological literature from various publishers
will be displayed at the Hall of Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Also another
exhibition with original Late Antique glass finds from Hadrianoupolis
(Paphlagonia) is planned. The organizers seek to widen participation at this
conference, and would like to encourage colleagues from all parts of the world
to attend. The conference committee kindly requests that you alert any persons
within your research community who would be interested in
participating at this
conference, either by forwarding our e-mail, or by printing this circular and
displaying it in your institution. We hope that you will be able to join us at
Dokuz Eylul University, and look forward to seeing you in Izmir!
Contact Addresses for the Workshop:
Doc. Dr. Ergun LAFLI
Dokuz Eylul Universitesi
Fen-Edebiyat Fakultesi
Arkeoloji Bolumu
Oda No: A 418
Tinaztepe/Kaynaklar Yerleskesi, Buca
TR-35160 Izmir, TURKEY.
Fax : +90.232.453 41 88.
E-mail: .

Augusta Raurica
Giebenacherstrasse 17
CH-4302 Augst, SCHWEIZ.
Fax: +41.61.816 22 61.
E-mail: .

30 October - 1 November 2009: The 2009 New England Medieval Conference
- "Law and Justice in the Middle Ages" - Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Sponsored by
Harvard University, Wellesley College, and Lesley University. For more
information, please contact Nadia Marx, Harvard University,
[email protected] or visit the NEMC website:

* 6-7 November 2009: Texts and Contexts: A Manuscript Conference at The
Ohio State University, sponsored by The Center for Epigraphical and
Palaeographical Studies. CALL FOR PAPERS. The conference seeks to
investigate the textual traditions of various texts and genres,
including texts in classical Latin, mediaeval Latin, Anglo-Saxon,
Middle English, and the vernaculars. Preference will be given to those
abstracts which deal with newly discovered texts and their manuscript
settings, or which present new perspectives on established textual
traditions. We encourage graduate students and newly established
scholars to submit their work. Plenary speaker: Scott Gwara, University
of South Carolina: America's Orphan Manuscripts. Please send abstracts
to Professor Frank T. Coulson, Director of Palaeography, 190 Pressey
Hall, 1070 Carmack Road, Columbus, OH 43210 or by email at
[email protected]. Deadline for submission: August 15, 2009.

* 11-13 November, 2009: CALL FOR PAPERS - International Congress on
King Alphonse VI and the art of his time. Complutense University of
Madrid (Spain). Submissions are due 10 September 2009. For more
information see:

20-22 May 2010: Editing Medieval Texts from Britain in the
Twenty-First Century: A Conference Organised by The Early English Text
Society, Oxford, UK - CALL FOR PAPERS. Plenary speakers: H. Leith
Spencer (Oxford): "The History of EETS and the History of Editing";
Katherine O'Brien O'Keefe, "Editing Old English Texts"; Thorlac
Turville-Petre: "Electronic Editing". Panels will address topics such
as: Brut Chronicles; From Script to Print to HTML: Electronic Editions;
Palaeography, Dialectology and the Editorial Process; Editing British
Texts in Latin, Anglo-Norman, Celtic and Scots; In Praise of the
Variant. Why Edit Critically?; Desiderata: What Still Needs Doing? What
is the future for editing medieval texts? Come and be part of the
conversation. Send 300 word abstracts to [email protected]
by 31 May 2009.

- Harvard Celtic Department
The Harvard Celtic Department cordially invites proposals for papers on topics which relate directly to Celtic studies (Celtic languages and literatures in any phase; cultural, historical or social science topics; theoretical perspectives, etc.) for their...

- 29th Annual Celtic Colloquium
The Harvard Celtic Department cordially invites proposals for papers on topics which relate directly to Celtic studies (Celtic languages and literatures in any phase; cultural, historical or social science topics; theoretical perspectives, etc.) for their...

- Call For Papers: *texts And Contexts: A Manuscript Conference At The Ohio State University
Call for papers: *Texts and Contexts: A Manuscript Conference at The Ohio State University *November 6-7, 2009 Sponsored by the Center for Epigraphical and Palaeographical Studies The conference seeks to investigate the textual traditions of various...

- Space In Medieval France
SPACE IN MEDIEVAL FRANCE 6th Annual Symposium of the International Medieval Society, Paris CALL FOR PAPERS Dates: 24-26 June 2009, Location: Université de Paris - I (Sorbonne), France Deadline for Submissions: 1 February 2009 Keynote speakers: Dominique...

- Space In Medieval France
SPACE IN MEDIEVAL FRANCE 6th Annual Symposium of the International Medieval Society, Paris CALL FOR PAPERS Dates: 24-26 June 2009, Location: Université de Paris - I (Sorbonne), France Deadline for Submissions: 1 February 2009 Keynote speakers: Dominique...

Medieval History
