Medieval Academy of America's Committee on Electronic Resources
Medieval History

Medieval Academy of America's Committee on Electronic Resources

The Medieval Academy of America's Committee on Electronic Resources is
pleased to announce two workshops to be held at the International
Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo, MI, in May 2009. Both workshops will be
on Thursday, May 7 (sessions 54 and 166; see for complete
conference schedule).

Workshop registration online at

1) Metadata for Medievalists I: Introduction to Metadata Formats
Session 54, Thursday 7 May, 10am

This workshop offers an introduction to best practices for digital
led by Sheila Bair, Western Michigan University's Metadata Librarian.
Instruction includes an introduction to the concept of metadata, an
overview of metadata types of interest to medievalists working in a
variety of textual and image formats, and an overview of methods for
metadata implementations (database, encoded data, printed copy, etc.).
Assignments will be completed during the following clinic.

2) Metadata for Medievalists II: Introduction to the Text-Encoding Initiative
Session 166, Thursday 7 May, 3:30pm

This workshop offers an introduction to best practices for digital
taught by a medievalist, Dot Porter, specifically for medievalists.
includes introductory-level XML and structural encoding, as well as TEI P5
standards and guidelines, markup concerns for medieval transcription, and
a brief consideration of XML Editors. Assignments will be completed during the
following clinic.

Sheila Bair is the Metadata Librarian at Western Michigan University and holds
an MS in Library Science from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Dot Porter
is the Metadata Manager at the Digital Humanities Observatory, Royal Irish
Academy, in Dublin, Ireland. She has an MA in Medieval Studies from Western
Michigan University and an MS in Library Science from UNC Chapel Hill, and
extensive experience in text encoding in the medieval studies and classics.

Both workshops are limited to 35 participants, and registration is required.

The pre-registration fee per workshop for students is $40/$55
(Medieval Academy members/nonmembers), for non-students is $50/$65.

To register, complete the online form at
Questions about registration should be directed to James W. Brodman at
Questions about the workshops should be directed to Dot Porter at

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Medieval History
