Medieval Pornstars
Medieval History

Medieval Pornstars

Since it's slow, I thought I'd just share this tidbit.

Someone recently found this humble blog by googling "medieval pornstars." Lo, and behold, we are the 5th entry for said search string -- look for yourself. I'm sure our stats will go up now that I have so entitled this post...

Hope everyone's having a happy holiday and best wishes for the new year!

Your Local Medieval Pornstars

UPDATE, 12/27/07, 8:46pm: Now we're #1! Woo-hoo!

- Peaa
Announcing the first annual Praemium Ephemeridis Aetheriae Auctoribus awards (Award for Authors of Ethereal Diaries). Ok, I'm not that caffeined (rhymes with fiend) yet, so if you have a better name or acronym, write in. Anyway, here's the deal....

- Jeff Sypeck's Applied Medievalism, Cont.
Our last blog forum entry has generated a great, stimulating discussion. I hope it continues. But, I also wanted to point people to some responses elsewhere. Dr. Nokes, of Unlocked Wordhoard, now has a response up. Highly Eccentric, of The Naked Philologist,...

- Peaa
Announcing the first annual Praemium Ephemeridis Aetheriae Auctoribus awards (Award for Authors of Ethereal Diaries). Ok, I'm not that caffeined (rhymes with fiend) yet, so if you have a better name or acronym, write in. Anyway, here's the deal....

- Happy Holidays And See You In The New Year!
Hi everyone, Will not get time to blog anything else for the rest of 2013, so I wanted to swing by and wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season and New Year. See you all in 2014!!! Best Wishes, Medieval Mayhem (Terri) ...

- Blogging Tools I Use
My page  I started this blog in August, so about 6 months ago. In this short time, Blogger stats recorded well over 10.000 page views here, which I consider very good for a blog with a somewhat obscure topic. I originally started this...

Medieval History
