Medieval Romance Society
Medieval History

Medieval Romance Society

The Medieval Romance Society solicits paper proposals for three sessions on romance and transgression for the International Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, May 7-10 2009. I am pasting our full descriptions of the sessions below. Please note that the Medieval Romance Society encourages interdisciplinary work and new approaches to romance. We attempt to include at least one graduate student paper in each of our sessions, all of which are currently open. Please feel free to forward this message as you see fit.

I am the North American contact person for the Medieval Romance Society, but this year the sessions will be organized at York (UK); in order to facilitate easy transfer of proposals to the appropriate organizers, I encourage potential participants to send their abstracts and cover sheets to me by September 15 via email at: [email protected], which is the address listed in the official Congress CFP. Please do not hesitate to contact me with your questions.

- Cfp: Medieval Romance Society
Posted on behalf: ----- The Medieval Romance Society has proposed 2 sessions for Kalamazoo 2010. The sessions are entitled ?Once Upon a Time:? Romance Temporalities, which explores the uses of time within medieval romance, and Temporal Touching: Medieval...

- Cfp: Hispanic Seminary Of Medieval Studies
Call for papers for the International Congress on Medieval Studies, to be held in Kalamazoo, Michigan, May 9-12, 2013. Sessions sponsored by the Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies: Linguistic Contacts in Medieval Iberia (2 sessions) As a crossroads...

- Medieval Romance Society
The Medieval Romance Society still has an opening in the following session at the ICMS in Kalamazoo, May 13-16, 2010: ?Once Upon a Time:? Romance Temporalities Critics have long acknowledged the ?once upon a time? trope at work in medieval romance, but...

- Societas Magica Cfp Again
There will be four Sessions Sponsored by the Societas Magica at the Forty-Fifth International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 7-10, 2009 Abstracts are welcomed for 20-minute presentations for all of these sessions. Please send inquiries and proposals...

- Cfp: Romancing History: Interrogating The Crossroads Of Medieval Genres
Romancing History: Interrogating the Crossroads of Medieval Genres International Medieval Congress in Kalamazoo, Michigan 13-16 May 2010 In a recent companion article to Arthurian romance, W.R.J Barron spends nearly two-thirds of his essay discussing...

Medieval History
