New Latin Online Reading Group on Bede
Medieval History

New Latin Online Reading Group on Bede

The notice below was posted to Classics-L and Mediev-L
by Sally Winchester (e-mail: [email protected] ), and I
forward it here on her behalf. Please direct any
replies or questions to her address, remembering to put
"Bede" in your subject-line. For information about the
Latinstudy list, on which the group will be run, see

and to join go to


Salvete omnes,

As the year is ending, I noticed that the SaintC group
is getting moribund, to say the least. So I propose
that with the New Year almost upon us, that we drop
Saint C. and his wretched death predictions and turn to
something really fun in British Latin, viz. Bede's A
History of the English Church and People. This is a
terrific book that starts with the Romans in Britain
and goes up to Bede's own time (9th c.). It's not dry
chronology though but lots of interesting stories about
monastery life and the making of the British Church and

Anyone may join. British Latin is quite a bit easier
than Classical Latin so if you've finished Wheelock (or
an equivalent) or are close to finishing, you might
want to give us a looksee. I shall be taking our text
from that of the Latin Library, to be found at:

I also recommend the two volume Loeb Bede but it's not
required. There are lots of sites online about Bede,
one of the most interesting being Bede's World:

I propose that we do 15-20 lines a week, with
assignments going out each Sunday to be due the
following Saturday. I shall be using Kirk's wonderful
collation software to do each week's collation, so if
you haven't been in a Latinstudy group before not to
worry; instructions about formatting will be included
with assignments.

If anyone is interested in joining do let me know. Am
planning on sending out the first assignment on 11
January. That should give folks time to get books and
recover from the holidays. Any questions about the
group should be sent to me at the above address. As
there are many different study groups on the Latinstudy
list, we have a convention of using a tag in the
subject line of every post connected to the group. For
our group it will be 'Bede'. So whether writing to me
or to the list, be sure that Bede is in your subject
line. Anyone is welcome to join the group at anytime.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season and a
terrific new year and that there will be lots of folks
interested in joining the group. This is something I've
been wanting to do for a long time.


- 'a Companion To Bede' Culmination Of A Historian's Work
Chaos had reigned in the northern kingdom, and chaos would come again. But for a few short decades, peace had a toehold. In these years, one of history's greatest minds flourished. The Northumbrian monk known as "Venerable Bede" (c.672-735) has been...

- The Old English Version Of Bede?s Historia Ecclesiastica
New book announcement: THE OLD ENGLISH VERSION OF BEDE?S HISTORIA ECCLESIASTICA SHARON M. ROWLEY The Old English version of Bede?s Historia ecclesiastica gentis anglorum is one of the earliest and most substantial surviving works of Old English prose....

- Bede And The Future/the Future Of Bede
Proposals are solicited for two sessions on "Bede and the Future/The Future of Bede" at the 46th International Congress of Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo 2011. These sessions are sponsored by The Medieval Research Centre at the University of Leicester, and...

- New Wvu Book
The WVU Press is proud to announce that ?Cædmon?s Hymn? and Material Culture in the World of Bede, edited by Allen J. Frantzen and John Hines, has appeared and is available to be ordered from our website at

- Awards
Also via ISAS news: Roy M. Liuzza, Anglo Saxon Prognostics: Texts and Studies Sharon M. Rowley, Reading the Old English Bede in Its Manuscript Contexts Andrew P. Scheil, Figures of the City in the Early Middle Ages and Beyond...

Medieval History
