Qur'an conference
Medieval History

Qur'an conference

The University of Nottingham

Department of

Theology and Religious Studies

Return to the Origins: The Qur'?n's Reformation of Judaism and Christianity

20 - 21 January 2013, The University of Nottingham

A meeting of leading international scholars dedicated to the question of how the Quran relates to forms of Judaism and Christianity of its time.
  • Conference information
  • Registration information
    • Registration fees
    • Booking online
  • Conference contact

Conference information

This conference has been made possible through the generous support of the Arts & Humanities Research Council and the School of Humanities, at The University of Nottingham.


  • Mehdi Azaiez, University of the Provence (IREMAN)
  • Islam Dayeh, Free University, Berlin
  • Gerald Hawting, School of Oriental and African Studies, London
  • Angelika Neuwirth, Free University, Berlin
  • Gabriel Said Reynolds, University of Notre Dame
  • Nicolai Sinai, Oxford University
  • Guy Stroumsa, Oxford University (respondent)
  • Joseph Witztum, The Hebrew University
  • Holger Zellentin, University of Nottingham
More information about the conference?

Registration information

Registration Fees

Full Registration (2 days) - £50
Day Delegate Registration - £25
Reduced Student Registration (2 days) - £30
Reduced Student Day Delegate Registration - £15
All registration fees include access to all talks each day, coffee, tea and biscuits, and a fork lunch.
Conference Dinner - all delegates will have the option of booking to attend the conference dinner at an additional cost of £24.
Accommodation - this will be available for delegates to book at the Orchard Hotel on campus.
Cancellation Policy
You may cancel your registration with a full refund up to 15 January 2012. After 15 January 2012 cancellation will result in forfeiture of entire payment.

Booking online now

Please place your booking via The University Of Nottingham online store.
More information about registration?

Conference contact

Dr Holger Zellentin
t: 0115 846 8935

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Medieval History
