SCRIPTO III: Second Call and Seminaries
Medieval History

SCRIPTO III: Second Call and Seminaries

SCRIPTO III: Second Call and Seminaries

The SCRIPTO programme (Scholarly Codicological Research, Information
& Palaeographical Tools) at Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-
Nuremberg aims to provide a systematic, research-oriented
introduction to the study of medieval and early modern books and
their interpretation. It combines research and instruction within the
framework of a uniquely innovative course, at the end of which each
candidate will be awarded a diploma from Friedrich Alexander University.
SCRIPTO is made up of a broad spectrum of subjects and offers the
following courses:

- History and principles of cataloguing
- Text typology (philosophical and theological texts; literary texts;
liturgy, music; law, medicine; medieval Latin)
- Book illumination (technology, stylistic history, illustrational
typology, iconography); palaeography
- Codicology; incunabula studies
- Informatics (use and construction of databanks for the
interpretation, drawing up and administration of information about
manuscripts; preparation of printed catalogues).

There will be SCRIPTO three research seminars:

1) Xavier van Binnebeke (Oxford):
Florenz in Franken. Handschriften aus der Bibliothek von Coluccio
Salutati in Nürnberg
Nürnberg, Stadtbibliothek, November 12, 2009

2) Peter Meinlschmidt (Braunschweig)
Neue Methoden für die Bestimmung der Wasserzeichen
Erlangen, December 7, 2009

3) Rosamond McKitterick (Cambridge) / Michele C. Ferrari (Erlangen)
Das karolingische Büchererbe
Bamberg, January 12, 2010

Participants will also have the opportunity to work on a common
research project.

The German Manuscript Centres in Berlin, Frankfurt, Leipzig, Munich,
Stuttgart and Wolfenbüttel are supportive of the SCRIPTO programme.
SCRIPTO sessions will take place in Bamberg (Staatsbibliothek),
Erlangen (Universitätsbibliothek), Munich (Bayerische
Staatsbibliothek), Nuremberg (Stadtbibliothek) and Wolfenbüttel
(Herzog August Bibliothek) at a fee of 850 Euros (which includes
travel and accommodations for seminars outside of Erlangen ) per
participant. Further information may be obtained online:

SCRIPTO III will run from 26 October 2009 until 27 January 2010.
Applicants should write enclosing a full CV to:

Prof. Dr. Michele C. Ferrari
Mittellatein und Neulatein
Kochstr. 4/3
91054 Erlangen (Germany)
E-mail: [email protected]

The application deadline is 31 August 2009. The language of
instruction is German. Foreign participants, however, will be able
to take German language courses at Friedrich Alexander University if
they so wish. They should mention this in their application.
Those applicants accepted for the course will be charged 850 Euros
and will receive a document stating the terms of agreement and
detailed information about the course, including the timetable.

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SCRIPTO SCRIPTO (Scholarly Codicological Research, Information & Paleographical Tools) at Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg aims to provide a systematic, research-oriented introduction to the study of medieval and early modern manuscripts...

Medieval History
