The BABEL Working Group, "postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies,"
Medieval History

The BABEL Working Group, "postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies,"

I'm a bit behind and once again trying to play catch up on announcements. This is one to note please:

The BABEL Working Group, "postmedieval: a journal of medieval
cultural studies,"
and the University of Texas at Austin will be co-hosting the conference this
coming November [4-6 November 2010], "After the End: Medieval Studies, the
Humanities, and the Post-Catastrophe," and there is still 2 weeks to submit
individual paper and session proposals. More full details on that here:

Given the contemporary debates and fretting over the future of the
humanities at
the very moment that so much work has been undertaken within the university to
dismantle traditional notions of the human, history, and time, the
moment seems
ripe for a vigorous conversation across fields and periods within the
humanities, in order to "reopen the questions of subjectivity, materiality,
discursivity, [and] knowledge" and also to "reinstall uncertainty in all
theoretical applications, starting with the primacy of the cultural
and its many
turns" [Teresa de Lauretis]. To that end, we have envisioned this
conference as
a sort of merger between pre- and early modern studies, cultural
studies, modern
studies, and queer & sexuality studies, and I hope some of you will consider
joining us for what I can promise will not be a typical conference, either in
terms of the sessions themselves, the plenary talks, or the planned social
events. Calls for papers for specific sessions being organized by
Laurie Finke &
Marty Shichtman, Jane Chance, and Anne Clark Bartlett can also be found here:

- New Journal: Postmedieval
The inaugural issue of postmedieval is now available in print and online. ?When did we become post/human??, a double, themed issue edited by Eileen A. Joy and Craig Dionne, features nearly 30 short essays from leading medieval scholars, with responses...

- Call For Sessions: Babel's 2nd Biennial Meeting
The time draws near -- December 15th, to be exact -- for session proposals for the 2nd biennial meeting of the BABEL Working Group, "cruising in the ruins: the question of disciplinarity in the post/medieval university," to be held in Boston from 20-23...

- Babel's Inaugural Biennial Meeting
he full program for BABEL's Inaugural Biennial Meeting, to be held at the University of Texas at Austin from 4-6 November 2010, is now online: Full details about how to register, where to...

- Postmedieval: A Journal Of Medieval Cultural Studies Launched
Today marks the *official* announcement of the joint venture between the BABEL Working Group and Palgrave Macmillan, "postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies" [Eileen Joy and Myra Seaman, Editors and Holly Crocker, Book Reviews Editor]. The...

- Some News From Babel
FIRST, the special issue of "Journal of Narrative Theory" [v. 37, no. 2], "Premodern to Modern Humanisms: The BABEL Project" is now available for viewing and downloading at Project Muse:

Medieval History
