The Week's News
Medieval History

The Week's News

Demolition could uncover deserted medieval village

Thieves raid Medieval Village

Runesten fundet ved Fåborg

Royal burial ground unearthed


- New Viking Village Discovered
Norwegian archeologists have discovered the foundations of at least 15 buildings, an 80-meter long street and a harbour near Gokstadhaugen burial mound in Sandefjord. So far, the ground hasn?t even been broken into. The remains that could potentially...

- Museum To Reveal Treasures Of Anglo-saxon Princess
A stunning collection of 7th century treasure, shedding light on the extraordinary life of an Anglo-Saxon princess, is set to be revealed to the public for the first time. The astonishing artefacts ? found in Loftus, East Cleveland, between 2005 and 2007...

- 15 Byzantine Tombs Discovered In Central Syria
An archaeological burial from the Byzantine era was uncovered in al-Ruba village in Zighreen town, 30 km northeastern Hama, including a number of tombs inside which pottery, metal and glass findings and golden pieces were unearthed. Abdul-Qader Farzat,...

- Da News---a Bit Late...
Enthusiasts dig deep The Nevern Castle Project - Dig Diary Three Lions good luck omen unearthed Young volunteers sought for Brechin dig New excavation begins at site of Dilston Castle Roman fort found in Cornwall 'rewrites history' Two Birch...

- News Of The Week
ARCHAEOLOGISTS DIG UP MEDIEVAL ARROW HEAD AT BATTLE ABBEY Dig team finds medieval gateway Bejeweled Anglo-Saxon Burial Suggests Cult Medieval ?head? discovered at dig Medieval brooch unearthed in field Bay could reveal Viking secrets Digs reveal Anglo-Saxon...

Medieval History
