Tolkien 2009 ?Ten Years of History?
Medieval History

Tolkien 2009 ?Ten Years of History?

Tolkien 2009 ?Ten Years of History? event to be held on August 15th-16th
2009 [no location given]
The Asociación Tolkien Argentina (A.T.A.) is a non-profit cultural and
literary association
founded by Dr. Ricardo Irigaray and Mr. Jorge Ferro in 1999
2009 marks the tenth anniversary of the A.T.A. founding and will hold, as it
is already
customary every year, an event presenting conferences, lectures and debates,
live music and parades, games and leisure activities related to Middle earth
and many other attractions linked to Professor Tolkien?s works and
fantastic-epic literature in general.

More Information:
e-mail contact: [email protected]

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Medieval History
