Medieval History
Updates and Reminder
I think as we approach a three day weekend in the USA and the end of the second week of classes at my new station in life, I should highlight that the deadlines for submissions to the Kalamazoo Congress are coming up in 2 weeks. Keep that in mind folks!
Reminder: Call For Submissions
Just a reminder that the initial, tentative deadline for submissions to our attempt at a blog forum, is this coming Friday (June 14). I've received 1 already and I'm cooking 1 up right now, so that should start us off. If you're wondering...
Call For Papers For Mla Convention Vancouver, Canada, January 8-11, 2015
"Monstrous water and water monsters in the medieval and early modern imagination"Water monsters and water as monstrous are both part of the same complex -- the reminder that there are extents to our reach as human beings and a vast world that we...
I missed doing much of any updating last week. So I'll be posting about two weeks worth of accumulated announcements. My apologies for the delay and hopefully it didn't cause any problems for folks....
Today's The Day!
I will try and post all the remaining CFPs I have in the ol' box before end of business my time. But just as a reminder to everyone: THIS IS IT! Proposals are due tomorrow, so if you have not submitted and are thinking of doing so for 2010 Congress...
Marco At Kalamazoo: Problems And Progress In Ongoing Manuscript Studies
Marco at Kalamazoo: Problems and Progress in Ongoing Manuscript Studies 45th International Congress on Medieval Studies Kalamazoo, Michigan, May 13th-16th, 2010 The Marco Institute for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at the University of Tennessee,...
Medieval History