Welcome: Introduction: New Beginning
Medieval History

Welcome: Introduction: New Beginning

I'm pleased to introduce Modern Medieval's 2 new co-bloggers, handily listed for you (in no order I can discern) to the right. -->

Larry Swain (theswain) is currently a graduate student at the University of Illinois, Chicago, finishing his dissertation on Aelfric, and is on the market. He blogs at The Heroic Age and The Ruminate, and is the Acting Editor-in-Chief of the journal The Heroic Age. His "interests here are to comment on various aspects of appropriation of the medieval in the modern, and how we in the field should best approach and react to these appropriations."

Prof. Christopher Roman (Croman) is an Assistant Professor of English and Coordinator of the Writing Center at Kent State University, Tuscarawas, where he teaches composition, creative writing, and medieval literature. His published work has focused on anchorites and mystical literature. He's now working on an article about the Pearl-poet.

Please join me in welcoming them and in hoping for many fruitful discussions for the future!

- A Little Self Advertising...
Please pass along to any and all interested parties and forgive duplications: Hello all, I am pleased to off the two courses listed below this summer online. There are both undergraduate and graduate options. If you are not a Bemidji State University...

- Summer Latin And Old English
Forgive the self-promotion: Please pass along to any and all interested parties and forgive duplications: Hello all, I am pleased to off the two courses listed below this summer online. There are both undergraduate and graduate options. If you are not...

- Heroic Age 13
On behalf of the staff and editorial board of The Heroic Age, it is with very great pleasure that I announce the release of Issue 13: http://www.heroicage.org/issues/13/toc.php. Also please take note of updated links pages, Calls for Papers, and other...

- Heroic Age 15
The editorial staff of The Heroic Age is pleased to announce the release of Issue 15. Issue 15 contains articles on Late Antiquity, Arthuriana, and Folklore, as well as an edition of the Annales Cambriae from the time of St. Patrick through 682. The...

- Heroic Age 13
On behalf of the staff and editorial board of The Heroic Age, it is with very great pleasure that I announce the release of Issue 13: http://www.heroicage.org/issues/13/toc.php. Also please take note of updated links pages, Calls for Papers, and other...

Medieval History
