Why I Teach Medieval Lit
Medieval History

Why I Teach Medieval Lit

Sorry for the long silence on my end, my wife and I just had a baby on Feb 4th and things have been hectic. One of the main problems is adjusting to having two boys (our oldest son is going to be 3 in April!). Anyway, I want to comment on this "why I teach medieval lit" thing, but I first wanted to point to this post by Dr. Virago. I only recently discovered her blog, and I LOVE it!! Anyway, I will post a more scholarly post soon! Until then, cheers!

- Dialogue On Military Arm Patches
Recently, there's been some traffic on an older post of mine about the American soldier wearing his militum Christi arm patch.  "Mike" had some interesting thoughts that I wanted to share.  My response is below his: Matthew, have you ever...

- Upcoming Blog Forum
The blog forum is on. I've received a few submissions, so what I'll do is post the 1st beginning on Mon. 6/16, then invite comments, responses, and discussion for a few days. Rinse and repeat. Please spread the word far and wide. Let me emphasize...

- Why I Teach Medieval Lit Ii
The whole Dr. Crazy meme and Stanley Fish post and recent discussion of why I teach this or that which seems to be a response to the meme, has got me "taking stock" as they say. To begin, I have problems with the essence of the question.. (that question...

- Pseudo-review Of Beowulf
I was going to post a sort of review of the movie (yes, I saw it opening night, though that wasn't my idea) but kind of like Dr. Virago, I really just don't want to -- though not for her reasons. I actually kind of liked the movie. It had this...

- Welcome As I Prepare To Take Flight
Welcome to my first post as Medieval Mayhem. This will take some time to set up as I am still learning the site. The purpose of this blog is to post about books and history, amoung other more random things. The blog will also be connected to the...

Medieval History
