Your surname tells how rich you are
Medieval History

Your surname tells how rich you are

A new research has suggested that surnames, which indicated nobility and wealth in medieval times, are still richer even today.

"Moneyed" surnames, such as Darcy, Percy, Baskerville and Mandeville continue to have more cash than those with "poor" names, such as Smith, Mason and Cooper, reports the Daily Mail.

The research, which used university admissions, probate records and official information going as far back as the Domesday Book, tracked what happened to those whose surnames suggest their forebears were either aristocratic or "artisans'' from the working class.

Click here to read this article from the Times of India

Click here to see the research article, Regression to Mediocrity? Surnames and Social Mobility in England, 1200-2009, and other news articles, from

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Medieval History
