A request for help
Medieval History

A request for help

This will be a short post. 

This Summer, I have the privilege of being a Visiting Professor with the Religion und Politik Exzellenzcluster at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.  I'll be giving a couple of talks on my research and also leading a doctoral seminar.  The last of these is what I need help with.  The topic of this seminar is (tentatively) titled "The Language of Holy War in Contemporary American Discourse."  As you, dear reader, may well know, this is a subject I've tackled here on a number of occasions. 

Anyway, I need to give the students a reading list for said seminar.  I have a preliminary bibliography -- some good stuff there -- but I want to be sure there's not some interesting stuff that I'm just not missing.  The internet's a big place after all and, despite my best efforts to not do any teaching, service, or any other research (just joking, dear administrator), I can't read everything. 

So, can you all think of anything that I might want to include?  Please use the comments below to add your thoughts and spread the word.  Any and all suggestions are MOST welcome...

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Medieval History
