Anglo-Saxon Conference
Medieval History

Anglo-Saxon Conference

he Anglo-Saxon Church in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries

A one-day research symposium at the University of Leeds

hosted by the School of English and the Institute for Medieval Studies

10 January 2008

10.00 a.m. coffee

Programme begins at 10.30 a.m

1.00-2.00 p.m. lunch

Programme ends no later than 4.30 p.m.

Organiser: Professor Joyce Hill [email protected]

Venue: Leeds Humanities Research Institute, 29-31 Clarendon Place (on main campus)

Approaches to the campus by all routes and forms of transport can be found by following the links on

Following on from the symposia held during last academic year, and at the request of those who contributed to these two lively and informative events, I have put together a further one-day programme on aspects of the Anglo-Saxon Church in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries. The subject in January 2007 was What do we mean by the Benedictine Reform? and in March 2007 it was The Secular Church in Eleventh Century England. This third symposium will embrace the monastic and the secular church across the tenth and eleventh centuries.

The speakers are Julia Barrow (Nottingham), Jesse Billett (Cambridge), Richard Gameson (Durham), Catherine Karkov (Leeds), and Tom Pickles (Oxford).

There will be opportunity for some questions after each paper, and there will be a round-table discussion at the end of the day.

Postgraduate students are most welcome.

Anyone who wishes to attend is requested to complete the registration form below, and return it to Professor Hill, at the School of English, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT by 14 December 2007.

Please circulate this information and the accompanying form to colleagues and students.


10 April 2008 at the Leeds Humanities Research Institute

Propaganda, Piety and Polemic: Hagiography in Anglo-Saxon England

Information about this one-day research symposium will be circulated early in 2008

The Anglo-Saxon Church in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries University of Leeds, 10 January 2008



University affiliation________________________________________________________

Status (please delete as appropriate):
member of staff at a university/registered postgraduate student

Email address______________________________________________________________

Limited accommodation will be available with colleagues for those otherwise unable to attend.
Overnight accommodation needed (please indicate which night)___________________

Special requirements________________________________________________________

Registration and lunch charges

· If you are registering as a postgraduate student and wish to have lunch, there is a charge of £8. Alternatively, there are snack bars and sandwich shops nearby where you can easily buy something inexpensive.

· For postgraduates who choose not to have the symposium lunch, there is no charge, although you are still asked to send in the registration form.

· If you are a speaker or are chairing a session, the charge for lunch is £8.

· For all other participants, the registration fee, including lunch, is £16.
Tea and coffee will be available to all participants, in the morning, at lunchtime, and in the afternoon.

Amount and method of payment
If paying by credit card, please note that the University levies a 2% charge

Card type (Visa/Mastercard/Access)__________________________________

Name of card holder ______________________________________________

Card number___________________________ Expiry date____________________

Security Number (last three digits on signature strip)________________________________

Signature_____________________________________ Date_______________________

Please arrange for payment of £_____________________________________________

If paying by cheque, please make it payable to The University of Leeds. Amount: £________

Please send the completed form (with cheque if this is the chosen method of payment), to Professor Joyce Hill, School of English, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT.

Postgraduates should register for the symposium by sending in the form, even if they have no payment to make. In this case, registration can be by email to [email protected]


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Medieval History
