Calin Reviews
Medieval History

Calin Reviews

See William Calin's recent review, in Medievally Speaking, of Vincent Ferré, ed., Médiévalisme. Modernité du Moyen Âge (2010).

Vincent Ferré, "Introduction (I). Médiévalisme et théorie: pourquoi maintenant?": 7-25.  This is the longest and most important essay in the collection.  Ferré observes pertinently that, although work ? good work ? on the presence of the Middle Ages in the post-medieval cultures has been published in France, going back to the Poitiers La Licornecollection of 1982, the term médiévalisme, employed in our sense of "medievalism," dates from 2007. Ferré modestly avoids a personal plaudit; nevertheless, it would appear that he introduced the neologism into French.  He offers a rich, five-page (21-5) bibliography of French medievalism ? specifically the works cited in his essay.  Ferré is fully aware of the Anglo-American origins of the field... READ the REST of the REVIEW HERE

- Medievalism On The Margin Published
Volume 24 (2015) of Studies in Medievalism, entitled Medievalism on the Margin: Some Perspective(s), has just been published:  The volume, edited by Karl Fugelso, Vincent Ferré, and Alicia C. Montoya, not only defines medievalism's...

- Smol Reviews Ferré, Dictionnaire Tolkien
Anna Smol recently reviewed: Dictionnaire Tolkien. Ed. Vincent Ferré. Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2012. J.R.R. Tolkien?s fiction is read around the world, having been translated into dozens of languages, from Vietnamese and Korean to Slovak and Catalan to...

- Boydell & Brewer Announces Publication Of: Medievalism: Key Critical Terms
Here is information about a new and exciting venue in Medievalism Studies forthcoming with Boydell & Brewer later this year: The discipline of medievalism has produced a great deal of scholarship acknowledging the "makers" of the Middle Ages: those...

- Vincent Ferré On Tolkien, The Hobbit, And More
Medievally Speaking's Vincent Ferré on Tolkien, The Hobbit, and more, on France5 ....

- Coming To Terms With Medievalism
The following colleagues will participate in the roundtable we are sponsoring at the International Congress on Medieval Studies in 2012: Coming to Terms with Medievalism Co-sponsored by Studies in Medievalism & Medievally Speaking Organizer and Chair:...

Medieval History
