Call for Papers Afterlives: Survival and Revival
Medieval History

Call for Papers Afterlives: Survival and Revival

Further Call for Papers

Afterlives: Survival and Revival

SASMARS 2010, Mont Fleur, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Deadline for abstracts: 31 January 2010


We are pleased to announce that the 20th Biennial Conference of the Southern
African Society of Medieval and Renaissance Studies will be held at Mont
Fleur , Stellenbosch
, South
Africa , on 2-5
September 2010.

00/Sandy+Johnson.bmpKEYNOTE SPEAKER: Alexandra F. Johnston, Ph.D., FRSC,
Past President of the Academy of the Royal Society of Canada.

The theme of the Conference is "Afterlives: Survival and Revival". In an
effort to facilitate a wide-ranging, interdisciplinary conversation, we
encourage scholars working in any discipline to submit abstracts addressing
this theme. The conference theme is designed to promote reflection on
appropriations, adaptations and continuities in cultural production. A
selection of the papers presented at the conference will be published in a
special issue of The Southern African Journal of Medieval and Renaissance
Studies (accredited for South African research subsidy purposes).
Suggested topics include, but are by no means limited to:
. new ways of looking at old texts
. textual appropriation and imitation
. textual transmission
. translation
. cross-currents in word and image
. ideological appropriation
. political myth creation
. archaeological recovery
. ethnicities
. retrospection
. life writing
. history of music/art/theatre

Please send proposals (250-300 words) for 20-minute papers to Professor M
Bratchel, ([email protected]) Department of History, University of
the Witwatersrand, JOHANNESBURG 2050, South Africa by 31 January 2010 .

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Medieval History
