Call for Papers IFLA-conference Milan 2009
Medieval History

Call for Papers IFLA-conference Milan 2009

Call for Papers IFLA-conference Milan 2009
IFLA Rare Books and Manuscripts Section,
Preservation and Conservation Section,
Library History Section

Dispersed cultural collections
Preservation, reconstruction and access

The IFLA Rare Books and Manuscripts Section, the Preservation and
Conservation Section, and the Library History Section jointly invite
proposals for presentations at the Sections* programme in Milan,
23-27 August 2009.
Following the main theme of the conference "Libraries create futures:
Building on cultural heritage", papers should focus on dispersed
cultural collections and their preservation and conservation,
reconstruction, and access to them, preferably in electronic form.
* Dispersed cultural collections comprises libraries and other
collections formerly held by institutions or private collectors which
were dispersed through political events (wars, dissolution of
monasteries) or through auctions and duplicate sales, and are today
held in various public institutions (libraries, archives, museums) or
in different sections of such institutions. The dispersed materials
may be in different formats (manuscripts, printed books, archival
documents, photographs) and may date from any period. Papers about
individual collectors and dealers will also be considered
* Preservation and conservation deals with aspects of the physical
assessment of an object for the better understanding of its contexts,
with special regard to provenances. The role of the conservator
should be given particular consideration, including procedures for
preserving and documenting features relevant for the history of an
item during conservation, such as provenance marks and former
* Reconstruction should cover questions of identifying individual
items which once belonged to such a collection; of investigating the
survival of historical collections; or of maintaining inventories or
archives of collections that have been dispersed. Papers should
discuss methods of reconstruction, i.e. through identification of
provenances, through matching of historical inventories with
surviving items, or through digitization as well as methods for the
creation of virtual libraries or databases of dispersed materials.
* Access refers to the questions concerning the needs of
target-groups of such projects (from researchers to the general
public), the standards applied for cataloguing and presentation and
problems of overcoming heterogeneous standards for diverse materials;
technical solutions for their presentation; and also raising
awareness and funds for such projects.

Papers should place particular emphasis on issues of project
management and methodology, e.g. policies regarding preservation and
digitization; standards for cataloguing and recording provenances;
cross-institutional cooperation (national and international).
Materials presented should be placed in a broader cultural-historical
context in order to demonstrate their relevance to a wide range of
(academic) subjects and users, taking up the theme of IFLA president
Claudia Lux for 2007-9: "Libraries on the Agenda*.
* Papers can be given in any of the official IFLA languages (English,
French, German, Russian, Spanish), but abstracts should be submitted
in English.
* Papers should not be longer than 15 pages.
* The oral presentation of each paper should not exceed 20 minutes.

The proposals must be submitted in an electronic format and must contain:
Title of paper
Summary of paper (250 - 350 words max)
Speaker*s name, institutional affiliation, address, telephone
Important dates:
deadline for submission of abstract 31 December 2008
notification of acceptance March, 2009
deadline for submission of paper: 1 May 2009

All submissions should be sent via email to:

Bettina Wagner, Rare books and Manuscript Section chair, Bayerische
[email protected]
Per Cullhed, Preservation and Conservation Section chair, Uppsala
University Library:
[email protected]
Hermina G.B. Anghelescu , Library History Section chair, Wayne State
[email protected]

Please send your proposal to all three addresses.

Please note that the IFLA sections have no funds for financial
assistance to prospective authors: abstracts should only be submitted
on the understanding that the expenses of attending the conference
(including travel expenses and conference fee) and registration and
hotel bookings will be the responsibility of the presenter(s) of
accepted papers. Some national professional associations may be able
to help fund certain expenses, and a small number of grants for
conference attendance may be available at:


Dr. Bettina Wagner
Abteilung fuer Handschriften und Alte Drucke
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
Ludwigstr. 16
D-80539 Muenchen
email: [email protected]
Tel. +89 / 28638-2982
Fax. +89 / 28638-12982 oder 2266
postbox: D-80328 Muenchen

Inkunabelkatalog der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek (BSB-Ink) online:

IFLA Rare Books and Manuscripts Section:

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Medieval History
