Call for Submissions (?)
Medieval History

Call for Submissions (?)

Building off of Larry Swain's initial post, the comments engendered by my little response, and (more generally) by BABEL's recent session at Kazoo and 2 sessions I'm hoping will get accepted for next year's Kazoo, I want to run something by you, oh internets.

How about a blog forum about what medieval studies and/ or medievalism has to offer a wider public? But not pitched to other academics? How would you talk about a topic of your choosing to a group of community members in a public library, for example? How do you talk about "relevance" (or the lack thereof) to undergraduates? etc.

So, let's try this. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work.

Update/ Clarification: The deadline is not hard-and-fast. Let's call it simply the "1st of many" deadlines, just to get the ball rolling. I certainly won't turn a thoughtful contribution away...

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- Blogging, Tweeting, And Publishing
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- Jeff Sypeck's Applied Medievalism, Cont.
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- Reminder: Call For Submissions
Just a reminder that the initial, tentative deadline for submissions to our attempt at a blog forum, is this coming Friday (June 14). I've received 1 already and I'm cooking 1 up right now, so that should start us off. If you're wondering...

- Call For Contributors
As the little blurb up above says, this blog is a form of outreach (I think) intended to discuss both manifestations of medievalism in contemporary culture but also, and perhaps more importantly, the continuing relevance of the study of the Middle Ages...

Medieval History
