CFP: History of Women- just around the corner!
Medieval History

CFP: History of Women- just around the corner!

Call For Papers: Poster Session, 2014 Berkshire Conference on the History of Women: Toronto, May 22-25, 2014 Proposals Due: November 29

We seek proposals for the Poster Session to be held at the 2014 Berkshire Conference on the History of Women at the University of Toronto. Submissions are welcome on any topic, from any discipline, following the broader theme of the conference, Histories on the Edge/Histoires sur la brèche.

The Poster Session aims to connect scholars from across fields and disciplines and provide them with a space to share and discuss current research as well as other presentations that cannot be easily accommodated in a regular panel session, such as work-in-progress, technology-bound projects, and table-sized exhibitions. Undergraduate students, graduate students, non-affiliated scholars, and those not already on the Conference program, are strongly encouraged to apply.

Presenters will be required to format and print their own poster, which should not exceed the limit of 36? x 48?. Further guidelines and information will be provided upon selection.

Submissions for the Poster Session should include the following:
- A completed application form (see below)
- A 250 word abstract
- A one-page CV that includes your name, affiliation, and contact information
- A simple mock-up of the display

Please send your submission and any questions to [email protected] as one pdf document by November 29, 2013. Information is also available at

Please send this form, along with a 250-word abstract, CV, and poster
mock-up to [email protected] by November 29, 2013.

Name: _____________________________________________

Please indicate the following professional status:

___ Undergraduate student
___ Graduate student
___ Post-Doctoral fellow
___ Non-affiliated scholar (adjunct instructor, sessional lecturer etc.)
___ Professor (assistant, associate, or full)

Are you presenting on a panel, roundtable or workshop at the 2014
Berkshire Conference?
___ Yes
___ No

The Poster Session follows the same themes as the Big Berks Conference.
Please indicate which theme your proposal best fits:

___ Borders, Encounters, Borderlands, Conflict Zones, and Memory
___ Empires, Nations, and the Commons
___ Law, Family Entanglements, Courts, Criminality, and Prisons
___ Bodies, Health, Medical Technologies, and Science
___ Indigenous Histories and Indigenous Worlds
___ Caribbean, Latin America, and Afro/Francophone Worlds
___ Asia, Transnational Circuits, and Global Diasporas
___ Economies, Environments, Labour, and Consumption
___ Sexualities, Genders/LGBTIQ2, and Intimacies
___ Politics, Religions/Beliefs, and Feminisms
___ Visual, Material, Media Cultures: Print, Image, Object, Sound,

Note: the themes are designed to be broad and your proposal does not have
to fit each keyword within the thematic track. Your choice of theme has no
bearing on acceptance; it is for organizational purposes only.

Poster Session Organizing Committee
2014 Berkshire Conference on the History of Women
University of Toronto

Caitlin Taylor Holton
PhD Candidate
GSC, Medieval Academy of America 2012-14
Centre for Scottish Studies

Department of History, University of Guelph

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Medieval History
