CFP: ICMS 2011 (May 12-15, 2011) Hell Studies Sponsored Session, Societas Daemoniaci
Medieval History

CFP: ICMS 2011 (May 12-15, 2011) Hell Studies Sponsored Session, Societas Daemoniaci

CFP: ICMS 2011 (May 12-15, 2011)

Hell Studies

Sponsored Session, Societas Daemoniaci

Across cultures and throughout the Middle Ages, the idea of Hell has haunted human-kind. In art, manuscripts like the Winchester Psalter and cathedral sculptures like those at Autun and Chartres stand as both private and public reminders of the punishment that awaits those who refuse to live a good and holy (and in many cases Christian) life; in literature, tellings of the Harrowing of Hell and stories of the Falls (both angelic and human alike) trace the development of Hell over time, through texts like the Old English Genesis A and B; in theatre, the devil and the fear of damnation have woven their ways into narratives for hundreds of years, for example in York Corpus Christi plays; and throughout history the hope of Heaven and the fear of Hell have motivated the actions of kings, priests and peasants alike.

This session, titled Hell Studies, will provide a forum for new research on the art, literature, theatre and history of Hell and its sometime residents -- the devils, demons and damned -- and their visual, textual, theatrical and historical development and depiction throughout the medieval period. Through the study of Hell and its associates, we can divine new truths about the cultures and beliefs of the people for whom Hell was, to them doubtlessly, a serious, physical reality and a part of their daily lives.

Anyone wishing to participate is encouraged to send a politely addressed query or proposal of no more than 500 words to Richard Burley, at societas.daemoniaci @, on or before the thirty-first day of August 2010.

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Medieval History
