Chivalry isn't dead at World Joust event
Medieval History

Chivalry isn't dead at World Joust event

Ever since Lance Armstrong watched a dodgeball tournament on ESPN the Ocho, niche sports enthusiasts claim everything this side of cup stacking deserves a programming slot. And we've seen all kinds of variants invited onto the stage including roque, flugtag, kickball, wife carrying, over-the-line and punkin chunkin, just to name a few.

Flip through the ESPN family of channels in the wee hours of the night, and you're bound to catch poker, billiards, bowling, auto racing, and tractor-trailer truck pulling. So before you tell me a medieval pastime has no chance of seeing the light of cable TV, imagine the guy on the couch ?

Feet kicked up, remote in one hand, longneck in the other. He watches as two dudes in armor race toward each other on horseback with 11-foot-long lances aimed at each other's vena cava in perfect HD quality on his 42-inch plasma.

Click here to read this article from ESPN

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Medieval History
