Columbia Seminar on the Renaissance
Medieval History

Columbia Seminar on the Renaissance

Posted for the Columbia Seminar on the Renaissance

Spring 2010 Seminars

Tues, April 13
Nancy Siraisi, MacArthur Award recipient.
"Human Life Span, Length of Life, and the Powers of Medicine: Some
14th to Early 17th Century Discussions."

Tues, May 11
Ruth De Ford, Hunter.
"Temporal Proportions in Guillaume Du Fay's Nuper rosarum flores
(1436): Symbolism vs. Performance Practice."

All programs are at 7:30 PM in the Faculty House, Columbia

Those wishing to have dinner with the speaker meet in the Faculty
House Lounge at 5:45. The buffet, including coffee and dessert, costs
about $25.

For reservations for dinner and /or program, please contact the
Seminar Rapporteur, Ivan Lupic, at [email protected] by the
Friday before the seminar. (This helps the Faculty House assign

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Medieval History
