Crusade, Liturgy, Ideology, and Devotion project
Medieval History

Crusade, Liturgy, Ideology, and Devotion project

Cecilia Gaposchkin, assistant professor of history and assistant dean of faculty for pre-major advising, has accepted a fellowship at Princeton?s Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies, where she will work on a project tentatively titled ?Crusade, Liturgy, Ideology, and Devotion.?

?I am exploring the different ways that Western Christian ecclesiastical ritual underwrote crusade ideology in the period stretching from the 11th to the 15th century,? says Gaposchkin, a medieval historian. ?I began teaching courses on the Crusades in 2005. This book grew out of that experience and has thoroughly informed it.?

Click here to read this article from Dartmouth College

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