DARC/CCH Symposium: Digitization of the Gutenberg Bible - Retrospect & Prospect
Medieval History

DARC/CCH Symposium: Digitization of the Gutenberg Bible - Retrospect & Prospect

DARC/CCH Symposium: Digitization of the Gutenberg Bible - Retrospect
& Prospect
Saturday 22 November 2008
Venue: Room 2B08, Strand Campus, King's College London

Note: attendance by pre-registration

9:15 Introduction and welcome
Chair: Toshiyuki Takamiya (Director of DARC)

9:30-10:15 Facsimiles of the Gutenberg Bible as Research Tools (Paul
Needham, Princeton)

10:25-10:45 Discussion

10:45-11:00 Coffee/tea

11:05-11:30 The Digital Gutenberg Bible and the Incunable Collection
at the British Library (John Goldfinch,BL); respondent: William Hale
(Cambridge University Library)

11:45-12:10 Incunable Digitization at Munich: From the Gutenberg Bible
to Mass Digitization (Bettina Wagner, BSB); respondent: William Hale
(Cambridge University Library)

12:25-12:45 Discussion

12:45-13:00 Closing address (Harold Short, CCH)

- Rare Medieval Bible Bought By American University
A medieval Bible written in Oxford, England, around 1240, has been purchased by the University of South Carolina for $77 000. The small-sized bible will be added to other medieval holdings at the university?s Ernest F. Hollings Special Collections Library....

- Digitized Incunabula From Munich
the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft is currently funding a project for the digitization of the incunabula of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München, which comprises c. 9700 editions in more than 20.000 copies and constitutes the largest collection world-wide...

- Ex Libris Conference
49th Annual RBMS Preconference Rare and Special Bytes: Special Collections in the Digital Age June 24-27, 2008 | Los Angeles, California Hosted by UCLA and the Getty Research Institute Register and book your hotel room early, the last two RBMS Preconferences...

- Digitized Gutenberg Bible
The Munich copy of the Gutenberg Bible has been digitized recently and is now accessible via our website and online incunable catalogue: here The Munich Gutenberg Bible is one of only two copies which contain the table of rubrics, a printed list of headlines...

- Digitized Gutenberg Bible
The Munich copy of the Gutenberg Bible has been digitized recently and is now accessible via our website and online incunable catalogue: http://mdz1.bib-bvb.de/~mdz/kurzauswahl.html?url=http://mdzx.bib-bvb.de/bsbink/Ausgabe_B-408.html The Munich Gutenberg...

Medieval History
