Effects of flattening the pages of an early medieval manuscript
Medieval History

Effects of flattening the pages of an early medieval manuscript

Dear colleagues, 

I am happy to announce that I now have available digitized slides of the St Chad Gospels from 1956. These slides were taken a few years prior to the St Chad Gospels' pages flattened and the manuscript rebound by Roger Powell in 1962, providing rare information about the effects of such flattening efforts on pigments : https://lichfield.as.uky.edu/st-chad-gospels/historical-image-overlays

Of particular interests are areas of minimal pigment loss in the left border on the Cross-Carpet page (its left), lower right portion of Luke's robe on his portrait page, and the decoration on the last row of words of Luke's incipit. 


Manuscripts of Lichfield Cathedral

Bill Endres
University of Kentucky
Division of Writing, Rhetoric & Digital Studies

Lexington, KY 40506 

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Medieval History
