Funny Medievalism of the Month
Medieval History

Funny Medievalism of the Month

Amidst all the good, serious minded stuff that Matt has been posting while I've been silent, I saw this today and thought I'd share this medievalism:

- It's Official: Medievalism Is Desirable!
Medievalism makes it into position description as "desirable" subspecialty: The U of Wisconsin-Whitewater is offering the following position: Assistant Professor in medieval literature, a subspecialty in medievalism desirable, including science fiction...

- Sponsored Sessions At Kzoo 2012
Studies in Medievalism and Medievally Speaking are sponsoring three sessions at next year's Medieval Congress: 1) Imagining the Crusades in the Nineteenth Century; and 2) Coming to Terms with Medievalism; a third section, Medievalism and the Corporate,...

- Verduin Speaks To Wmu Medievalism Class
Kathleen Verduin, one of the most experienced practitioners of medievalism, Associate Editor of Studies in Medievalism from 1982 to 1998 and Professor of American Literature at Hope College, recently led a workshop on Medievalism and the American Renaissance...

- Sim Conference Deadline Extended
The deadline for the fall Studies in Medievalism conference has been extended to August 1rst. The CFP and other information for the conference can be found at the Studies in Medievalism web site. Once again, the dates are October 8-10, at Siena College...

- Sim Sessions At 2010 Congress
Studies in Medievalism is sponsoring two sessions at the 2010 Medieval Congress, I. Remembering the Middle Ages: Medievalism and Memory; and II. Medievalism in Music and the Fine Arts. If interested, please contact: Richard Utz Western Michigan Univ....

Medieval History
