Funny Medievalism of the Week
Medieval History

Funny Medievalism of the Week

I read one of my favorite comics today and decided that it needed to be shared for those who may not read it:

- Medievalisms Mid-august we be. Mid-August, everyone gearing up for new academic year; some have even already started. My medievalisms of the week are cheats in a way. But here goes anyway. My favorite spouse is out of town visiting family, which means I have sole...

- Comic Medievalism
Remember those ads from the late '70s for Xerox, the chubby monk who instead of copying out the decorative page takes them to the Xerox copier and of course they come out beautiful etc? Well, blessed be YouTube! For you may view it here. There were...

- Sponsored Sessions At Kzoo 2012
Studies in Medievalism and Medievally Speaking are sponsoring three sessions at next year's Medieval Congress: 1) Imagining the Crusades in the Nineteenth Century; and 2) Coming to Terms with Medievalism; a third section, Medievalism and the Corporate,...

- Mass Market Medieval
Mass Market Medieval. Essays on the Middle Ages in Popular Culture. Edited by David W. Marshall (215 pages; Publisher: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2007). The 13 essays in this book explore the medieval invasion of today's media and...

- Neomedievalisms
Conference Announcement of Interest: Hi all: Here is the link to the website for the 22nd Annual Conference on Medievalism. The plenary speakers are Terry Jones, Richard F. Green, and Alain Corbellari. Please consider submitting a paper. Note that the...

Medieval History
