Honors for this blog
Medieval History

Honors for this blog

Dear Readers,

I am very proud to announce that my blog has been listed as one of the 50 best blogs for medieval history geeks. Whether my readers are geeks or not is not for me to say - it still feels good to be listed.
My blog entries were also listed in the October 2010 issue of the Art History Carnival (edited by Margaret Lozano at The Earthly Paradise) and in the November 2010 issue of the Art History Carnival (edited by Monica Bowen at Alberti's Window). One of my posts was included in the 92nd History Carnival at The Early Modern Intelligencer of the Birbeck Early Modern Society. My blog is also mentioned in Vidimus, the only on-line magazine devoted to stained glass.

I am grateful for all these mentions and listings. If you would like to stay up-to-date about this blog, you can follow it by clicking "follow" at the top of the page. Alternatively, you can follow my Twitter feed or follow my blog at NetworkedBlogs (where it is listed as one of the top 38 blogs in art history).

Thanks for reading, and thanks for following and sharing.

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Medieval History
