Imagining the Crusades
Medieval History

Imagining the Crusades

Here is the line-up for the session we are organizing for Kalamazoo 2012:

Imagining the Crusades in the Nineteenth Century
Sponsors: Studies in Medievalism & Medievally Speaking

Megan Morris, University of Rochester
Richard Utz, Western Michigan University

Respondent: Megan Morris
University of Rochester

Paper 1: David Beasley: ?The Undermining of the Crusader Myth and the Awakening of the Sexual Woman?
Independent Scholar

Paper 2: Michael R. Evans: ?Crusaders and a Cross of Gold: the Crusades and Crusading imagery in nineteenth-century US progressive movements?
Mid Michigan Community College & Central Michigan University

Paper 3: Christine Havens: ??The Great Asian Mystery?: Disraeli, His Strange Theology, and Images of the Crusades in Tancred Or, The New Crusade?
Hawkeye Community College

Paper 4: Teresa Rupp: ?From Ivanhoe to Ironclad:  Changing Representations of Templars in Fiction and Film?
Mount St. Mary University

Paper 5: Kristan Tetens: ?Sack and Slaughter: The Crusades on the Nineteenth-Century Stage?
School of English, University of Leicester (UK)

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- Sponsored Sessions At Kzoo 2012
Studies in Medievalism and Medievally Speaking are sponsoring three sessions at next year's Medieval Congress: 1) Imagining the Crusades in the Nineteenth Century; and 2) Coming to Terms with Medievalism; a third section, Medievalism and the Corporate,...

- Sponsored Medievalism Sections @ Kzoo 2011
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Pending final approval from Congress organizers, Studies in Medievalism will be sponsoring the following panel and sessions at the International Medieval Congress in 2009: Panel Discussion: "What, in the World, is Medievalism? Global Reinventions of the...

Medieval History
