Kalamazoo 2015 Call for Papers: ISSM
Medieval History

Kalamazoo 2015 Call for Papers: ISSM

Kalamazoo 2015 Call for Papers
International Society for the Study of Medievalism (ISSM)
50th International Congress on Medieval Studies
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, May 14-17, 2015.

The International Society for the Study of Medievalism is sponsoring three sessions at next year?s Kalamazoo Medieval Congress:

I) Metaphysical Medievalisms

Medievalism Studies commonly explores manifestations of the medieval in popular modern diversions like television, film, and gaming. Less explored is how medievalism plays a role in asking the 'big' theological questions that continue to challenge humanity. This panel will be a conversation about existence and the role medievalism plays in imagining that existence, whether through the detachment of philosophy, the passionate attachment of faith, or more commonly, some combination of the two. We welcome papers that address some of the following questions:

?What unacknowledged debts are owed medieval thinkers in spiritual or religious conversations that follow the Middle Ages?

?How is the medieval past used as a marker of either intellectual inspiration or a 'dark age' of anti-intellectualism?

?What medieval rituals, patterns of thought, or ways of knowing the unknowable remain with us today?

?Is there wisdom in the medieval past that could inform some of the religious, spiritual, or philosophical concerns of the present?

II) Political Medievalisms

As early as Henry VIII's commission of his own portrait on the Winchester Round Table, medievalism has played a role, often a pivotal role, in political maneuvering. Today, as right-wing politicians make huge political and military gains across the globe, the language of medievalism permeates both the far-right calls for crusades and caliphates and liberal warnings about ?medieval? laws that will take us back to the ?Dark Ages.? We welcome submissions that move past offering historical validation or correctives and instead interrogate what medieval ?means? to political discourse. We also welcome submissions that analyze the uses of medievalism in a variety of time periods and geographical locations.

III) Round Table: Critical Mediations

The contemporary theoretical trends that have swept through Medieval Studies?new materialisms, aesthetics, OOO, ecocriticism, and interdisciplinary approaches involving physics, biology, computer science, and game theory?all have the potential to trouble notions of time, disciplinary borders, and traditional academic boundaries. Both medievalists and medievalismists have adopted these approaches with compelling and creative results, despite the fact that such approaches are heavily invested in their sense of themselves as contemporary, digital, postmodern, or post-human. This round table will explore what medievalism can give back to theory, asking participants to imagine how work in Medievalism Studies, which has a long history of transgressing disciplinary borders and literary periods, disrupting traditional definitions of ?text,? and even violating the boundary between academic and layperson, can help us reshape, enhance, or reimagine the latest innovations in theory. We welcome short (10 minute) contributions to this discussion.


Please follow the Medieval Institute?s rules governing participation and submission of abstracts:

Abstracts of no more than 300 words together with the Participant Information Form should be sent before September 15, 2014 to Amy S. Kaufman at [email protected].

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Medieval History
