Lady of the Rivers
Medieval History

Lady of the Rivers

I know there is a large faction of dusty old medievalists who turn their noses at historical fiction. I think its a shame, really, because anything that can bring the Middle Ages alive in the imagination is a positive thing. Even if the facts aren't (more or less - who can tell all the time?) accurate.
Thankfully, Philippa Gregory is famously well-researched author, and I believe she really 'gets' the Middle Ages, if that makes sense. Don't let the popularity (and the movie) of 'The Other Bolyn Girl' put you off, she's a fun read.
I am just finishing her book 'Lady of the Rivers,' and I loved it. It had so many elements, ideas and topics I love. First, there are many references to tapestries, and in fact references to The Lady and the Unicorn tapestries (!). The idea of women using magic and alchemy as a form of power is fascinating, and I think has many unexplored avenues in the world of art. Lastly, the main character has a happy and long marriage. How often do we find that in media today?
This was my favorite read so far this year, I give it an A!

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Medieval History
