Late antique and medieval buildings at Pécs in 3D reconstructions
Medieval History

Late antique and medieval buildings at Pécs in 3D reconstructions

The town of Pécs is one of Europe's Cultural Capitals in 2010. Not much in terms of new buildings was completed by this year - but Pécs has a 2000 year old history, with remains of a number of very important Early Christian and medieval buildings. The early Christian necropolis of Sopiane (Roman name of Pécs) is in fact a Unesco World Heritage Site.
The early Christian buildings survived in the level below the medieval ground-level, thus a number of burial chambers have been preserved, with their decoration more or less intact. Buildings above ground did not survive, but can be reconstructed based on archaeological excavations. In preparation for an exhibition, the company SketchUcation Hungary prepared a number of 3D reconstructions.

Below you can see how a late Roman basilica was reconstructed (video showing steps of the reconstruction):

The video below presents a comparison of the reconstructed late Roman basilica of Sopiane with the similar - and still standing - structure at Trier:

The medieval buildings of Pécs - the seat of a bishopric and home of Hungary's first university - got destroyed for the most part during the Ottoman occupation, and the wars of that turbulent period. Only the cathedral is standing, but in a form much rebuilt. The following video is an attempt at restoring the 14th century topography of the town, by presenting a 3D mass-study, focusing on churches and monasteries.

Finally, this is a reconstruction of the exterior of the cathedral, as it likely appeared in the 14th century:

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Medieval History
