Loving Devotion: Visions of Vishnu
Medieval History

Loving Devotion: Visions of Vishnu

This was my favorite work in the exhibit. This picture doesn't show how intricate and delicate the carving is! I haven't seen anything quite like it.
One of my five-year-old twins has a keen interest in all things from India. She has a collection of books, Bollywood movies and saris. In fact, yesterday was picture day for kindergarten - she wore her sari. Her words when she entered Loving Devotion: Visions of Vishnu at the BYU Museum of Art: "This is exactly my style!"
From what I could glean as I quickly read the plaques, most of the artwork was from the tenth and eleventh centuries, from India and Pakistan. It was a fabulous treasure trove of an exhibit, and displayed work we rarely get to see in the American west. If you are in the area, don't miss it!
 No, she is not actually touching the statue!
 Don't think I've ever posted a picture of myself on this blog. That's me and my twins!
 I was especially pleased with the children's part of the exhibit.

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Medieval History
