Manchester Centre for Anglo-Saxon Studies: Easter Conference 2008
Medieval History

Manchester Centre for Anglo-Saxon Studies: Easter Conference 2008

Manchester Centre for Anglo-Saxon Studies: Easter Conference 2008


Wednesday 26 March
Dr Alexander Rumble, Introduction to the Conference

Allan McKinley, ?Building up a Church: the Early Bishops of Worcester c.660-860?

Alex Burghart, ?Canterbury and Kingdoms: the Political Pontificates of Wulfred and Ceolnoth 825-838?

Dr Martin Ryan, ?Ecclesia senescit? Archbishop Ecgberht and the Church of Northumbria in the Eighth Century?

Dr Christopher Grocock, ?Abbot, Father, Leader, Saint: the Treatment of the Monkwearmouth-Jarrow Saints in Harley 3020?

Dr Cassandra Green, ?Spiritual Labour: Suckling from the Male Breast?

Professor Gale Owen-Crocker ?Portraits of Anglo-Saxon Church Leaders: Image Making?

Thursday 27 March
Professor Joyce Hill, ?Wulfsige [of Sherborne]?s Reforming Text?

Stephen Matthews, ?When did St Oda become a Monk??

Dr Debbie Banham, ?Æthelwold, Sign Language and the Benedictine Ideal?

Abdullah Alger, ?Ælfric and his Classroom: Punctuation for Latin or English Learning and For What Purpose??

Dr Kathryn Powell, ?Ælfric, the Vikings, and an anonymous preacher in CCCC 162?

Francisco Alvarez Lopez, ?Oswald of Worcester: the Benedictine Reform that Never Was??

Dr Dominik Wassenhoven, ?The Role of Bishops in Anglo-Saxon Succession Struggles, 955-978?

Alex Burghart: Session on PASE (The Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England database)

Conference Dinner

Friday 28 March
Professor Nicholas Higham, ?Bede and the Early English Church?

Professor Nicholas Brooks ?Reconsidering St Aldhelm?

Dr Alexander Rumble, ?From Winchester to Canterbury: Ælfheah and Stigand, Bishops, Archbishops and Politicians?

Dr David Hill, ?Archbishop Sigeric?s Journey to Rome?

Ben Snook ?Creative Historiography amongst the Leaders of the 10th Century Benedictine Reform?

Professor Donald Scragg ?The Ownership of the Royal Psalter?

For further information and registration, email: [email protected]
Or write to Easter Conference, Manchester Centre for Anglo-Saxon Studies, SAHC, University of Manchester, M13 9PL

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Medieval History
