medievally speaking moves to Google
Medieval History

medievally speaking moves to Google

Dear friends laboring (joyfully) in the vineyard of medievalism,

I recently transferred all files from the original website for medievally speaking over to Google. This means that I can now upload files and make changes from anywhere, including my iPhone. I will keep the old site running for another two months or so and then delete it. Thus, if you have created links to files on the old website, please update them asap.
Our new site,, will continue to provide reviews on all negotiations, academic and/or popular, of medieval culture in postmedieval times. I am still working on some design issues, but the basic site is up and running
Please note that the new site contains two new reviews, by Lesley A. Coote, of Jerome de Groot's The Historical Novel, and by Michael Evans, of Nickolas Haydock and E. L. Risden's Hollywood in the Holy Land. Please continue to bring new publications to my attention and encourage publishers, directors, artists, etc. to send in studies, art, music, etc. for review.

With collegial regards,

- Evans Interviews Candace Robb; Brown Reviews Intl. Medievalism And Popular Culture (d'arcens/lynch)
Medievally Speaking announces two new publications: Michael Evans: "'My fiction is the natural outgrowth of my fascination with the times:' an Interview with Candace Robb." Molly Brown reviews: Louise D? Arcens and Andrew Lynch (ads), International...

- Medievally Speaking Reviews: Montoya, Medievalist Enlightenment; Nagel, Medieval Modern; And Stromberg, Maleficent
Please find the following new reviews on Medievally Speaking ( Alicia C. Montoya. Medievalist Enlightenment: From Charles Perrault to Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2013. 256pp. Reviewed by...

- Swan Reviews Dinshaw; Heisler Reviews Keymeulen/tollebeek
Two new reviews in Medievally Speaking:Jesse Swan, in a review entitled "Dinshaw Glue and Other Queer Products of Attachment," speaks about Carolyn Dinshaw's How Soon is Now? Medieval Texts, Amateur Readers, and the Queerness of Time (Durham:...

- Six Colleagues Join Medievally Speaking As Asst. Editors
Dear Medievally Speaking colleagues, It is with great pleasure that I would like to announce some excellent news for the future of Medievally Speaking, our review journal organized under the auspices of the International Society for the Study of Medievalism....

- Hollywood In The Holy Land
Hollywood in the Holy Land: Essays on Film Depictions of the Crusades and Christian-Muslim Clashes, edited by Nickolas Haydock and E.L. Risden, has just come out from McFarland. Here is a description of the volume: This collection of essays analyzes film...

Medieval History
