More empty niches!
Medieval History

More empty niches!

Aldsworth, Gloucestershire

A little more evidence of late medieval devotion for you. This glorious Perpendicular tabernacle is in the east wall of the late fifteenth century north aisle of St Bartholomew's Aldsworth in Gloucestershire. No prizes for guessing whose image it contained, given the shields in the canopy with the letters S K, the barbed wheel on the pedestal and the two swords in the canopy - it was presumably St Katherine. I imagine an altar was placed directly below this image and the whole ensemble functioned as a reredos.

Aldsworth, Gloucestershire

The external decoration of this aisle is particularly noteworthy too. The easter angle buttress of the aisle incorporates another image niche. Sadly there is no evidence of the image that it once contained. Above in the parapet of the aisle is a wonderful array of inventive corbel heads. Martin Beek's excellent photo does them rather more justice than the dark images on my photostream.

Aldsworth, Gloucestershire

- Memorial Altarpiece
The parish church of Youlgreave in the Derbyshire peak district, has a rather remarkable and interesting medieval alabaster panel. This rectangular panel is currently set into the wall above the altar at the east end of the north nave aisle, though it...

- Shadows Of Former Things Part Iii
Site of a former side altar at Glentham in Lincolnshire, an arched niche that probably contained a panel of a reredos and beside it a bracket for an image.  How tantalising these remains are, but sadly so difficult to put in any true context without...

- Lenten Array ... One That Got Away
Fairford Gloucestershire, originally uploaded by Vitrearum (Allan Barton).I fully intended to post this photograph during Lent. The Lady altar in the Tame chapel at Fairford in Gloucestershire has a reredos of 1913 by Geoffrey Webb, covered during Lent...

- Shadows Of Former Things
My apologies for neglecting the blog, it has been rather a hectic ten days. My day off last week, which is the day I usually write for the blog was taken up with a visit to Nottinghamshire with Gordon Plumb. We went to a couple of very fine churches....

- A Defaced Medieval Reredos - Notgrove, Gloucestershire
The east wall behind the high altar of the tiny little estate church at Notgrove in Gloucestershire is generally covered with a large tapestry, which was made in 1954. If you pull it up, and there is a little pulley to help you, you reveal this: the...

Medieval History
