More late Medieval News
Medieval History

More late Medieval News

It seems that being about a week behind is my reality this semester. In any case, here's last week's news:

Ancient Norse Settlements Hit Cold Spell

Saxon pottery at Wisbech playground site

Life of Vikings seen through soil

Trove of shipwrecks found in Baltic Sea

Northern lights

Og vinderen i Jelling er:

Beheaded Vikings found at Olympic site

- Vikings, Emojis And Michaelmas: Medieval News Round-up
This week's news from the medievalverse has Anders Winroth talking about his new book The Age of the Vikings, funding for Newport's medieval ship, and Buzzfeed talking another look at medieval images.[View the story "Vikings, Emojis and Michaelmas:...

- Archeologists Find Gateway To The Viking Empire
For a century, archeologists have been looking for a gate through a wall built by the Vikings in northern Europe. This summer, it was found. Researchers now believe the extensive barrier was built to protect an important trading route. Their attacks out...

- Saxon Pottery Found At A Playground
Archaeologists have found saxon pottery on the site of the new adventure playground for the town of Wisbech in Cambridgeshire, England Further investigations will take place, but the find will not delay the start of work on the £800,000 project. The...

- Medieval News Of The Week
Kirkleatham Museum to display jewels from Cleveland grave of Anglo-Saxon princess Ancient skull unearthed on farm Fragment from world's oldest Bible found hidden in Egyptian monastery Skeleton revealed by excavation Video: Bodies found in a Peterborough...

- Medieval News Of The Week(s)
Two Weeks worth of news stories because I forgot to post these last week. Oldest listed first: Bishop?s Palace to yield its final secrets as dig ends Secret life of medieval city found under Cathedral Square More on this: 51 Headless Vikings Found in...

Medieval History
