More on Possidius' Life
Medieval History

More on Possidius' Life

A week or so ago I scanned and placed online Weiskotten's English
translation (1919) of Possidius' Life of St. Augustine:

In response to request, I've now scanned the introduction by the
translator and placed it here:

For those who didn't see the original post, Possidius was a friend of
Augustine's, and his biography remains the principal source for the
life of the saint.

As ever, other English translations of the Fathers can be found in
the collection:

I also do a CDROM of the collection; if people would like to support
the site, you can purchase it from here:

- Roger Pearse At It Again....
One of these is the "Commentary on the Nicene Creed" by al-Majdalus. He may have been a Melkite priest of the 10th century. This one came in last weekend, which is why I publicise it. You can get the Arabic text, and English translation in Word documents....

- Commentary On The Nicene Creed
I've placed the English translation by Alphonse Mingana of Theodore of Mopsuestia's "Commentary on the Nicene Creed" online here: t.htm Introduction here:

- Roger Pearse Has Added More To His Site
The remaining 5 chapters of the 6th century History of John of Epiphania have been translated into English by Scott Kennedy, who has sent them to me and kindly made it public domain. It's here:

- More From Roger Pearse
I have scanned an English translation of Eunapius: The collection as a whole is at: There is also a CDROM...

- Roger Pearse Has Been Busy
Roger provides a wonderful service. He's added more to his great website. I have scanned an English translation of 16 letters from Libanius to Julian the Apostate: Also his oration...

Medieval History
