neomed & media
Medieval History

neomed & media

It's been some time that this volume has been in the making, but now it is finally in print: Neo-medievalism in the Media: Essays on Film, Television, and Electronic Games, ed. by Carol L. Robinson and Pamela Clements. The original title, The Medieval in Motion, was changed by the publisher, but such are the vagaries of academic publishing. The volume is truly exciting, beginning with a "Preface" by yours truly, and ending with an "Epilogue" by Terry Jones (yes, that Terry Jones!). On the pages framed by these two paratexts, scholars investigate the many diverse ways in which contemporary media represent, reflect, and recreate medieval culture. See the full table of contents HERE. A huge kudos to Carol Robinson and Pam Clements!

- Cfp: Conference On Medievalism
Discovered via the Studies in Medievalism blog: Studies in Medievalism invites session and paper proposals for its annual interdisciplinary conference, October 8-11, 2009. We welcome papers that explore any topic related to the study and teaching of Medievalism,...

- Makers Of The Middle Ages Now Online
Richard Utz and Elizabeth Emery, eds. Cahier Calin. Makers of the Middle Ages. Essays in Honor of William Calin. Print: Kalamazoo, MI: Studies in Medievalism, 2011, is now available in electronic format. You can access a .pdf of the complete volume at:...

- Cfp Annual Conference On Medievalism
Studies in Medievalism invites session and paper proposals for its annual interdisciplinary conference, October 8-11, 2009. We welcome papers that explore any topic related to the study and teaching of Medievalism, and especially those that focus on...

- Mass Market Medieval
Mass Market Medieval. Essays on the Middle Ages in Popular Culture. Edited by David W. Marshall (215 pages; Publisher: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2007). The 13 essays in this book explore the medieval invasion of today's media and...

- Memo At K'zoo
Medieval Electronic Multimedia Organization (MEMO) is once again please to be represented at the Medieval Institute's International Congress on Medieval Studies(Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI). For the 2009 Congress, we are looking to...

Medieval History
