Nokes on Beowulf etc
Medieval History

Nokes on Beowulf etc

Readers of the Great Nokes over at Unlocked Wordhoard (see our blogroll) has mentioned a piece he's written and published in the Old English Newsletter. I received my copy of OEN's latest last night and read Scott's article Beowulf: Prince of the Geats, Nazis, and Odinists. Scott talks chiefly about the movie in the title and various modern, cultural reactions to it, though those reactions are not based in scholarly reactions, but in other sorts of things. Well done Scott! The piece is of great interest and it has now appeared on the OEN website, just follow the link.

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- Popular Culture And The Middle Ages

- Podcasts: (unlocked And) Reviewed!
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- Beowulf-what's Up With That?: Some Fledgling Thoughts
No, not the movie, which I confess I have yet to take in. Before beginning I should note that this is my first post to this forum, and I know I can not match the posts of my fellow new bloggers here at Modern Medieval. My thanks to Matt for including...

- On Heroes
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Medieval History
