Ossetia's Medieval Troubles
Medieval History

Ossetia's Medieval Troubles

Scott Nokes over at Unlocked Wordhoard justifiably drew attention to Jeff Spycek's recent post on the medieval roots of the current situation over Ossetia: http://www.quidplura.com/?p=209

- Popular Culture And The Middle Ages

- Jeff Sypeck's Applied Medievalism, Cont.
Our last blog forum entry has generated a great, stimulating discussion. I hope it continues. But, I also wanted to point people to some responses elsewhere. Dr. Nokes, of Unlocked Wordhoard, now has a response up. Highly Eccentric, of The Naked Philologist,...

- Podcasts: (unlocked And) Reviewed!
Dr. Nokes now has a review of my "Podcasts on Medieval Texts." Thanks, Dr. Nokes. And if anyone else has any thoughts, comments, suggestions, please share them!...

- Dr. Nokes Pronounces
Over at Unlocked Wordhoard, on how to read allegory. Although Dr. Nokes limits his discussion to allegorical literature (literature explicitly intended to be read as allegory), I think his notes are much more broadly applicable to anything written in...

- Medieval News Of The Week
Kirkleatham Museum to display jewels from Cleveland grave of Anglo-Saxon princess Ancient skull unearthed on farm Fragment from world's oldest Bible found hidden in Egyptian monastery Skeleton revealed by excavation Video: Bodies found in a Peterborough...

Medieval History
