Papal Medievalism
Medieval History

Papal Medievalism

Papa Benedict XVI is returning the Vatican to Gregorian Chant. Along with the apologia (without the apology) for the Templars, the conference he organized to essentially defend the crusades, and his use of the Byzantines, this pope has a thing for the Middle Ages -- and not in a good way.

- Ross Douthat Thinks Islam Is Evil
The battle of Hattin from a MS by Matthew Paris, 13th c. But it's not. The point, so I take it, of Douthat's recent NY Times editorial is that more "assertive" faiths attract converts, while the "ecumenical" denominations have lost them. (People...

- Pope Benedict Xvi & Ambrose Autpert
So, yesterday (4/22/09) Pope Benedict XVI addressed a general audience in St. Peter's square and took as his theme, Ambrose Autpert, 8th-century monk, abbot of San Vincenzo al Volturno, and tutor of Charlemagne himself. You can watch a bit of it...

- Update On The Templars Book
You just knew it was coming. Related to my earlier article (about the "newly-found" documents exonerating the Templars of heresy), "British Templars Want Apology from Pope." Ok, 2 things: You guys aren't Templars. I don't care if you think you...

- Sponsored Sessions At Kzoo 2012
Studies in Medievalism and Medievally Speaking are sponsoring three sessions at next year's Medieval Congress: 1) Imagining the Crusades in the Nineteenth Century; and 2) Coming to Terms with Medievalism; a third section, Medievalism and the Corporate,...

- Knights Templar Heirs In Legal Battle With The Pope
The heirs of the Knights Templar have launched a legal battle in Spain to force the Pope to restore the reputation of the disgraced order which was accused of heresy and dissolved seven centuries ago. The Association of the Sovereign Order of the Temple...

Medieval History
