Portals, Pathways, and Peregrinations: Concepts of Mobility and Exchange in the Long Middle Ages
Medieval History

Portals, Pathways, and Peregrinations: Concepts of Mobility and Exchange in the Long Middle Ages

Portals, Pathways, and Peregrinations: Concepts of Mobility and
Exchange in the Long Middle Ages
4th Annual Medieval Studies/Pearl Kibre Medieval Study
Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference
March 27, 2009: CUNY Graduate Center, New York, rooms 9204 and 9205

9:00 ? 9:30 Registration

9:30 ? 11:00 Portals: New Constructions of Identity
Gordon Whatley, Professor of English, Queens College and the Graduate
Center, Moderator
Alice Lynn McMichael
(CUNY Graduate Center) ? ?Secular Travel Narrative and
Medieval Christian Society as Represented in Marco Polo?s Livre des
Merveilles in Morgan Manuscript 723?
David Heayn (Villanova University) ? ?Mary D?Oignies: The
Thirteenth-Century Beguine Movement as Gendered Alternative: Lay
Piety or Heresy?
Adin Lears (CUNY Graduate Center) ? ?An Ave Family Tree: Female
Kinship, Maternal Authority, and the Exchange of Sanctity in
Memling?s Shrine of St. Ursula at Bruges?

11:15 ? 12:45 Pathways: Cultural Movement, Exchange and Assimilation
Anne Stone, Professor of Music, Queens College and the Graduate
Center, Moderator
Linda Stein (CUNY Graduate Center) ? ?Transmuting Violent Murder
into Devotional Art: Limoges Reliquaries of St. Thomas Becket?
Ethan Zadoff (CUNY Graduate Center) ? ?Intellectual Exchange and
Movement in Medieval England: The Case of Isaac Alfasi and Maimonides
in Late Twelfth and Thirteenth Century England?
Natalie Espino (Binghamton University) ? ?Continuity, Change, and
Text: Urban Space and Public Building in Early Medieval Italy?
Clare Wilson (CUNY Graduate Center) ? ?Lyric in Exile:
Troubadours in Foreign Courts and the Albigensian Crusade?

1:00 ? 1:45 Brunch

2:00 ? 3:00 Keynote Address
Evelyn Birge Vitz, Professor of French, New York University
?Performing the Passions, East and West: An Indian ?Rasic?
Esthetic in Medieval French Storytelling?

3:15 ? 4:45 Panel 3: Peregrinations: Modes and Methods of
Christian Expansion
Eric Ivison, Professor of History, College of Staten Island and the
Graduate Center, Moderator
Jennifer Jordan (CUNY Graduate Center) ? ?The Children's
Crusadeand Medieval Ideas of Childhood and Parenting?
Brandon Hawk (University of Connecticut) ? ?Three Stops and
Heaven: Topography in the South English Legendary Life of Thomas
AnnaLinden Weller ? A Constantinopolitan Latin's Perceptions of
Byzantine Imperial Power: Heresiology and Cultural Interchange in
Hugo Eteriano's Contra Patarenos
Galia Halpern (New York University) ? ?To India: Geopiety and
Ethnicity in Representations of St. Thomas?s Travels from the
Twelfth to the Fifteenth Century?

A reception from 5:00 ? 6:00 p.m. will follow in the Certificate
Programs Office (Room 5109) on the 5th Floor of the CUNY Graduate

For more information, please contact [email protected]

Organized with the generous support of the Medieval Studies
Certificate Program, the Doctoral Students? Council, and the Ph.D.
Programs in Art History, English, and History.

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Portals, Pathways, and Peregrinations: Concepts of Mobility and Exchange in the Long Middle Ages 4th Annual Medieval Studies/Pearl Kibre Medieval Study Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference March 27, 2009: CUNY Graduate Center, New York Over...

Medieval History
