Medieval History


I would like to point you to an open position at the Telota-Initiative
("The electronic life of the Academy") of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy
of Sciences and Humanities (http://www.bbaw.de/). Though the job
advertisement is in German and knowledge of German is advantageous
the project language is not necessarily German.


Basic data:
- position: research associate
- duration: 1 October 2008 until 31 December 2009
- qualifications:
- knowledge in developing digital humanities resources
- knowledge of XML and related technologies
- knowledge of a programming language

You can find an overview of our last projects at
http://www.telota.de and http://pom.bbaw.de/index-en.html

Applications via email should be addressed to Renate Neumann
([email protected]) referring to reference number AG/06/08.

Please don't hesitate to contact me for further informations.

Best Regards,
Alexander Czmiel
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
"Telota-LAB - The electronic life of the Academy"
Jaegerstrasse 22/23 Tel: +49-(0)30-20370-276
10117 Berlin - http://www.bbaw.de - http://www.telota.de

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Medieval History
