Professor Hopes to Shed New Light on Medieval Theological Education
Medieval History

Professor Hopes to Shed New Light on Medieval Theological Education

Franklin T. Harkins, Ph.D., assistant professor of theology and medieval studies, is working to shed new light on the nature of theological education in the High Middle Ages.

As part of a yearlong Mellon Fellowship at the Pontifical Institute of Medi­aeval Studies (PIMS) in Toronto, Harkins has been researching how theology was taught and learned at the universities and in the religious houses of medieval western Europe.

His work at PIMS involves editing and studying a Latin text, virtually unknown to modern scholars, that enjoyed wide circulation and use throughout western Europe from the 13th through the 15th centuries. This text appears in some of the manuscripts under the title Filia Magistri, or ?The Daughter of the Master.?

Click here to read this article from Fordham University

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Medieval History
